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Thursday, April 26, 2012

A VERY Belated Easter Decoration

Easter is a really hard holiday to decorate for.  I'm not a fan of pastels, and fat little bunnies.  I like lanky hares. ;)  Plus, I think it's kinda sad that most people don't decorate for the real meaning of the holiday. 

I went in search of decoration to remember the holiday for it's real reason... And I found the perfect thing...
A mini resurrection garden

So here is a, pretty much, step by step on how to make it...

Needed supplies:
-A small terracotta pot
-A large terracotta bottom
-Glue gun
-Potting soil
-Grass seed
-And 1 rock large enough to be "the stone"

All you will need the glue gun for is to make a spot of glue to hold your pot in place while you pack dirt and gravel around it.

Also, put a small amount of gravel in the glue spot so the pot opening faces up slightly. 

Just pack the dirt in a mound over the top of the pot, so it slightly resembles a hill.  

Note:  The soil might be a packed down from making the hill.  I used a fork to loosen up the soil a bit before adding the grass seed.

Follow the instructions of the grass seed and sprinkle them around the hill.

Now your done!

To water this DO NOT pour water onto it.  It will fall apart.  Water it with a spray bottle until the grass is well established.  Then you could pour the water on it, if you like. 

I started mine way too late. On Easter Sunday there still wasn't even any grass showing. :/  It still doesn't look as pretty as the inspiration photo, but I thought I better get it up here before April was over.   

Warning, there is a few bald patches on mine that are just barely popping up. Forgive it.  It will look better next year. :)  

I somehow want to include the Scripture 

"He is not here.  For He is Risen." -Matthew 28:6

I will get to that once my Resurrection Garden looks a bit better.  I also opted not to add the stick crosses. 

I spent so much time reading the last few months that I haven't made any crafts.  It feels good to create something again!

Thursday, April 5, 2012

St. Patrick's Day!

Brynn has this fabulous idea.  Lets go see a Roller Derby.  I was down for that.  The guys were invited, but they weren't as enthusiastic about it as we were.  So they stayed home and played games while the girls went and watched others girls ram into each other on roller skates.  :P  Erin was able to come as well, so it was the trio.  It was just over at UVU.  The team local was pink and black and their opponents were from Las Vegas and wore primarily black.  I have video of them but none of the videos will come off my phone for your viewing pleasure.  Sorry.  So, yeah... I have no pictures of the actual event but I did find a picture of the team online. 
Lol!  Yeah...  It was a blast. You would be so bruised up after a game of this..  Here are some other pictures from the event...

Bright pink and took days to come off. 

Bagpipes opened the event.  Awesome!

Erin and Brynn

Brynn and I 

After the Derby was over we went down to Roll Up Crepes in Provo.  I was seriously craving this and the girls were nice to oblige. 
This place is AMAZING!  The Crepe that I love best has a name that is completely opposite of my romantic situation, but I love it just the same.  My favorite is called "The Break Up".  Netella, Oreos, chocolate ice cream...  YUM! Look into your minds eye and try to imagine me enjoying something to it's utter most enjoyment....

Okay if you need help, this is what I looked like...

Ah yeah!

It was a nice St.  Patty's day!  All things rolled.  :)