Our Journey...

Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Sunday, October 28, 2012

What a Special Day!

Today Houston received the Melchizedek Priesthood!  He was ordained by his brother Quin. He was accompanied by My dad, Houston's dad, our bishop, and the high councilman.

We are one step closer!  Here's some other pictures...

Such a good day!

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

New Car!

It's kind of sad that I don't even have a picture of my little red Tercel...  I honestly think I never thought it was worthy of a picture. LOL!  Well.... We've finally reached a point where that little red bomb just wasn't cutting it.

We needed to get a vehicle that was reliable, and that we could have for a LONG time.  Lol!  So, it needed to be big enough to hold a future family.  My red car was WAY too small for more that 2 people.

So... I would like you to meet the newest member to the Warnick family!!!!

2011 Hyundai Sonata (No name yet)

I wanted the picture half in the shade so you can see how much the color changes from day to night. It really does, almost look black and night and bright blue in the day.

It is really quite weird to drive in a new car.  This is the first time I've ever bought from a dealer.  There are many pluses to it. I get to park in the garage now!  It gets great gas mileage too.   I'm still learning to park it.  LOL! It's so much bigger than the red car.