Our Journey...

Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Disneyland 2013

I have brought up going to Disneyland more times than I can remember.  Usually it's the same answer... No..  Well, not the last time.  I was really shocked and had to make sure he wasn't kidding.  I chose when we went, where we stayed, and where we ate.

I have always wanted to go when it was the "off season". Less people= more fun!  Come to find out, Valentine's Day is a pretty slow holiday... I was all about being in Disneyland on Valentine's Day!

We were there for 5 days, we rode almost every ride in Disneyland and spent some memorable time in California Adventure.  Only about a handful that we didn't.  We got to ride all of our favorites, multiple times.  The parks was decorated for the holiday of love.  All the princesses were out, but at this time of year, they are accompanied by there princes.

But the very best thing we did was buy a Disney Photo Pass+ before we left.  You can still get it in the park, but you save a lot of you get it early.  We got to stop at any Disney photographer in the park and have multiple pictures taken. As well as all the ride photos and photos taken in at certain dining locations.

We ate at the Blue Bayou for Valentine's Day.  It was just as good as I remember it.  We also ate at Goofy's Kitchen for breakfast the first full day we were in the park.

You are about to get a overload of pictures.  I took a bunch myself, the photographer took a lot of us, and the pass comes with a CD of some really awesome stock photo's of the parks.  I will try to not post them all. :P

My Photos...

Very first ride... Winnie The Pooh

Princess Aurora came to talk to us as we ate at Goofy's Kitchen

I dragged Houston onto King Arthur's Carousel. Lol!  

Our only picture from Carsland.  There were TONS of people in there!

You can't go to Disneyland and not visit the Tiki Room!

Our picture from Dinner

One of the ride operators was nice enough to take our picture for us.  I still am shocked I picked the pink elephant!  My excuse is that it was Valentine's Day... 

This is from Buzz Lightyear's Astro Blasters.  Houston is REALLY good at this game.

The Tea Cups were supposed to be closed until Friday, but lucky us, they opened them a day early!

Splash Mountain was closed until Friday and wasn't quite ready when the park opened.  It was our last day and we had ridden everything we wanted to already, so we loitered around it pretty much until it opened. 

Brer Bear was hanging out when we came out of the ride for the second time.  Picture needed!

Houston's Pirate face

I was so excited to do face paint!

Houston in heaven... The Lego Store

The Fairy Godmother was out.  Never thought she would be around...

Not only did we eat here the celebrate Valentine's Day, Houston bought me a glowing rose.  I wanted one the last time we were there.  It was so cute. :)

Disney PhotoPass Photos...

 There is a long story about the photo below... I look like I'm dying.. :P

Disney Stock Photos that I LOVE!

If you go, you MUST see this!  World of Color is amazing!
(Both above and below)

This isn't even close to all the pictures I have. Our trip was awesome and I'm so glad we have all these pictures to remember it.

Here is a video of the World of Color show!  If you want, you can watch the whole thing, or just a peek.  It's 10 times better in person!