Our Journey...

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Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Back to the Sewing Machine... and Decorating for Fall

My interest in the sewing machine was rekindled when I was in desperate need of help to make my Halloween costume.  My aunt Luie is the best at sewing clothes so I went to her for help.  She is a smart lady.  She told me how, and made me sew almost everything myself.  None of that costume will be shown in this post.  That way it can be a surprise for Halloween!  Lets just say, it's big and furry. 

Now I need to sew Houston's.  I'll attempt that one on my own. (Sorry Houston)

Okay, now that I've been reintroduced to the sewing machine, I decided to list all projects I have to do.  Wow!  That list was huge!  Blankets, aprons, trick-or-treat bags, table runners, fabric to reupholster my dining table chairs and a make a bench seat.  Not to mention, I found some fabric I bought but, for the life of me, can't remember what I wanted to make with it...

So now it's putting all the projects in order of what needs to be done first.  That would obviously be Houston's costume.  But then I remembered something...  Me and the relationship I have with my mom's sewing machine...  I swear, every time I use it, it craps out and makes me hate sewing.  It not like the machine is malfunctioning.  I think that I just wasn't doing something right when I set up the thread and such that makes it not work right for what I'm doing.  I thought it would be better for me to start with a few easier sewing projects, just to get that blasted machine to like me. 

I've had the pieces cut for 2 aprons for a long time.  One kitchen apron, and one sewing apron.  Well, I'm trying to get a bunch of blankets sewn and tied so I thought it would be smart to get that sewing apron done first. The sewing machine started off kicking and screaming.  I broke 2 machine needles not to mention a few other stupid problems.   I pushed through and got it right to the very end, and that last part I just couldn't get, so my mom saved me and did it.  I think it was mostly because I was so blazing mad that the machine was up to it's old tricks.

Here's the apron.  It's not even close to perfect, but I'm pretty proud that 99% of it was sewn by me.

Trust me to pick the weirdest fabric.  It's all good.  I dig that 70's style fabric. 
The fabric is so busy that you can't see where the scissor loop is, or the pockets for that matter. 

Now that that is completed I thought I would try another easy one to have a second attempt at mastering that machine...  So I made table runners.  I had Halloween fabric to make them, but then I was in Joann's and found Christmas and Thanksgiving.  My mom was with me and liked that fabric I picked so I bought enough to make her one of them both.  So my project of 2 runners turned into 6 runners....  Yeah, I'm really good to myself...  I started those and found that they are really easy, and sewing machine gave me no problems... ( I was shocked)  





When I got all done I looked at the Halloween runners and wasn't exactly excited to put them on my table..  I'm more of a serious Halloween girl.  All my decorations are serious. Both of those runners don't fit that mold.... At all.  So I gave those to my mom too.  
That means I need to head back to Joann's to find Halloween fabric to make a "serious" Halloween runner for me.  I found some and bought enough to make 2 runners of it. (total now to 8 runners)

My mom and I decided to buy buttons to hold down the center of the fold on them so we went back to.... you guessed it... Joann's!!  Lol!  I only bought buttons for my Halloween runner, and my mom got buttons for her Thanksgiving and Christmas ones.  We couldn't get out of the store before my mom found this other Halloween fabric that she liked, as well as the back piece for it.  The funny thing is, I almost bought the exact same set of fabrics when I was in there to get me "serious" Halloween fabric.  Great minds think alike I guess.  So, she got that.

Holy cow, I'm long winded!!  Sorry just a bit more...

My mom, so badly wanted me to sew her new runner too.   I flat out refused because it was so simple to make and I had the two runners of my fabric to do still.  I gave her step by step instructions and she did it herself.  The whole time telling me how easy it was.... Lol!  She had enough of her top piece to make 2 more.  She said I could have it if I sewed it. There was no more of the back piece so she needs to go get it. THEN she wanted me to make the third one so we can take it to my sister.  

Good grief, that makes 10 total runners I will be sewing.  

Oh, and here is my Halloween runner...

I think I have had plenty of practice.  I can start on Houston's costume now.. Lol!

As for that Fall decor...  I'm really glad we ended up in a house with a fireplace.  It makes it so much easier to decorate.  So here is my mantle, and my table. 

 Oh, and I bought the cutest thing to go on my porch. Once I find a place to buy a good sized bale of straw...

Metal Corn stalks!  LOVE THEM!  I can't wait to get them out there!

Anyway, I will keep up the posts on the endless list of sewing projects. As for now, I need to rest my fingers.  I can never make a blog post short. :P