Our Journey...

Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Thursday, February 6, 2014

Do You Feel Like Your Being Watched..? I Do!!

Take a look at this picture....

See anything odd..?

Once you see it, you will understand why I shudder every time I glance over the fence to our back yard neighbors. 

The first time I saw it, it was over on their porch.  I could've sworn one of our neighbors was just staring at our house.  It didn't help that it looked like the person wasn't wearing any clothes.  Lol!  I spent an entire afternoon trying to:

 A. Figure out what they were staring at.

 B. How on earth they could sit there and stare for so long.

Then I realized something.  Who, or whatever it was, was on their porch step, and I couldn't see the rest of their body. Even from our upstairs window. Come to discover, it was only the bust of a human form.  That made me feel better.  Not to mention, slightly silly for assuming that we had creeper neighbors, who were planning to murder us in our sleep.

As you can see in the photo above (If you've found it) that the creepy figure is now in their play house, eternally staring at OUR house.

Here it is a bit closer...

I was so interested in seeing what it looked like, that I got my big camera, with the telephoto lense on, to get a good look at it.

And here is a close and personal view of our watchful neighbor...

If that's not creepy, I don't know what is!!

So, the next time you are at our house.  Come and stand on our back porch to see for yourself.