Our Journey...

Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

I have been very crafty this year. I have been trying to learn new things. This a french memo board I made. The fabric underneath was something I bought a few months ago for another blanket but i had enough scrape left over the make this. They are SUPER easy! The only thing that was a bit odd was figuring out where to attach the ribbon on the sides. The ribbon i bought is such a cool color! I honestly think that this (Goldenrod) yellow is one of my new favorite colors. Seriously, if anyone wants to learn how to make one I will be more than happy to help. If I can make it, anyone can. Ha ha!

My very first quilt. I drew out the design for it myself. All the squares were cut by me and sewn into strips. I was having a hard getting them lined up so my mom sewed all the strips together. I tied it and she helped me get it ready to be bound. I made this for a picnic blanket. The back is black Denim. I'm pretty proud of it. :)

This is my first bottle rocket ever! Made for the Pehrson reunion. I made 2 others after this for my parents as well. I guess I did a pretty good job. They all flew really high. My uncle Doug told me to apply for a job at Thiokol to build real ones. Ha ha!