Our Journey...

Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Maggie's surgery and Phynix's curiousity about it...

Last summer sometime we noticed that Maggie had this weird bump on her butt.  We didn't think much of it at first until it started to get bigger. We thought it was one of those anal gland issues. (Gross)  So I took her to the vet and come to find out it wasn't.  Bad news was that it was either a cyst or a tumor.  I was not excited about it.  The vet said that it would need to be removed soon because of how close it was to other areas.  (Her backend, you get the idea)

Anyway, so we decided to wait until after Christmas and see if it got any bigger.  Well,  it did.  So I wanted to get it taken care of before I started at the post office.  The surgery was yesterday.  She did wonderful.  She was a bit sluggish yesterday, but today she is pretty much normal.

Now the funny part.  My parent's were watching my niece Phynix today.  On there way back from picking Phynix up, they explained to her that Maggie had been to the "Doctor" and had a cut.  So, they had me explain to her about it and show it to her. (We showed it to her so she would be careful around her backside)

Here is the funny photo and followed...
HAHAHA!  We thought it was hilarious.

I was pretty sure no one wants to see a picture of the actual cut. This was the next best thing, so my post would have a photo.  Once Phynix looked at it she said, "That's so interesting"  That made it even more funny! She kept telling me to take a picture of Maggie's butt.  I did not. Ha ha!  Then she felt it necessary to tell us that Maggie needed to go back to the "Doctor".

I love how curious Phynix is about everything.  She even told Maggie it would be okay and that she was a good "boy"  (She knows she's a girl but says boy every time)


  1. Seriously... she is so cute, and that is a funny photo.

  2. That is so funny, kids are always so curious! I love it. Way to go on the Yoga! Good luck with your job. I think today is the 18th, how did it go?

  3. It wasn't too bad. There is a TON to remember but it will all make sense once I actually use what I've learned. Our trainer is really cool. He has lots of funny stories. Tomorrow we case(sort)the mail and ride with the carriers at the Draper office to get some hands on training. Then it's drive training on Thursday and Friday. My supervisor wants me to train with my regular carrier down in Provo all next week. So, it's probably going to be a LONG 2 weeks. At $18.50 an hour I think I can handle it. ;) It will be nice to be making some money again.
