Our Journey...

Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Monday, May 7, 2012

We May Not Have Any 2 Legged Kids, But We Have a Four Legged One

My four legged darling!  She is such a sweetheart.  I made a post last year about her having surgery to remove a tumor on her backside.  Well.... it came back. :/  Then she got some other bumps too.  That's the Boxer in her for sure.  We took little Hanna in to her teeth cleaned and brought Maggie in later that day to have her bumps looked at.

We set up the appointment and had the return bump, a new one on her hip, and a "Skin Tag" removed on her front leg.  On top of that, her teeth cleaned.

I took her in this morning and was supposed to come pick her up later today.  They call you when she is ready to be picked up.  I figured around 4.  That came and went and no call...  Finally at about 6:15 I called and the vet explained that they had a dog hit by a car come in and it was a very crazy day.  I was glad it was that and not that she had a bad reaction or something.

When we got over there to pick her up, the family that owned the hit dog was in the waiting room talking to a nurse about what would need to be done with their dog.  From what I gathered, the dog dislocated it's hip and was in shock.  The nurse explained that it was highly recommended that the dog stay at the office to receive fluids for the shock and do blood tests to make sure there were no internal injuries.  It wasn't cheap for all that, but I was so shocked to hear the owners trying to convince the nurse to just give the dog a local anesthetic and just push the hip into place.  The nurse explained that it couldn't happen that way, that the dog would need to be put out completely.  So, the owners asked if they could give a local anesthetic and they would take the dog home and bring it back in the morning...   What is wrong with these people!?!  The dog is in shock the could die at home!!

Trust me, that stuff is not cheap, but I still feel that you should do the best thing for your pet.  With that being said, Maggie's surgery wasn't cheap.  It set us back over $700.  But I would do it all again to make sure she is happy and healthy.  Sometimes I think people don't realize that a pet comes with expenses.  Especially when you want him/her to live a long an happy life.

I got a picture today (May 8)

Lucky you, I got a picture of Maggie's stitches for you to see. :D  These are 2 of the 3 cuts.  The other in on her front leg, you can't see.

 It looks bad but she's acting just like normal already.  It just looks horrible.  Frankenstein Dog!!

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