Our Journey...

Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Fuchsia, Fuchsia, How Come Your So Hard to Grow..?

I love Fuchsia

A couple of years ago I bought a hanging basket with them in it, for my mom for Mother's Day.  Sad thing, it died really fast.  :/  I checked and knew it was a shade plant so I couldn't figure out why it just wilted up and died like 3 days after I bought it. It was mostly in the shade...

Fast forward to last year..  My parents have a window box in front of their kitchen window.  It has sat empty for years.  They never used it. No one ever noticed because they had this horrible pine bush that was taking over the flower bed below (Right in front) of it.  I hated that stupid bush.  Especially in the winter because the snow would collect on it, then it would hang out over the sidewalk to the house and you had to sneak around it to not get covered in snow.  So... I convinced my parents to get rid of it.  I spent an entire afternoon covered in dirt to get that stupid thing out.

Now the window box is in full view, and looks really weird with nothing in it.  So, I decided in like April to go to the Nursery and find some plants to go in it.  The box is shaded most of the day, so I figured Fuchsia would be perfect there.  Well.. no.  This time the sun didn't kill it though.  2 days after I planted it in there it froze overnight.  :/  Really!?  There goes number 2.

Now lets go to last week...  My mom wanted to go get some flowers to plant in the window box as well as all her other pots.  She didn't buy any Fuchsia to go in there because we realized that the sun reaches the box at around 2 in the afternoon and that's way too much sun for a shade plant.  But, we did buy some Fuchsia.  I was bound and determined to make it grow.  My mom bought 2 different colored ones (The stiff variety, not the droopy) and I bought one as well.  I told her that they must be in the shade, so we planted them in pots and put them under one of the benches out back, by the back door, so you could still see them. I thought mine would do great right by the back of the house, at my in-laws.

Just to be sure I looked up online how to grow them.  I read they are REALLY hard to grow  and are never supposed to be in the sun.  So, the next morning I went out back and checked to see if the sun hits the back of the house in the morning.  Well, it does...  I had no I idea where I was going to plant it now!  But then I had a thought...  There is one place, that's always shady and I can actually look at it everyday from the basement.....

Our bathroom's window well!!!

Not to toot my own horn, but I felt like a bona fide genius! The other plants is either shade or sun, it's from the Coleus family and it's called Pineapple. It does get a little hint of sun right as the sun right in the morning.  The Fuchsia is far enough to the right that it doesn't.  Another plus about it's location... the sprinklers water them for me.  ;)

There was one flower on the Fuchsia that was bloomed when I bought it.  it's fallen off but there are 2 other flowers on it that were kinda close.  They have popped open! I have always wanted to be good at growing flowers and such. Geez, I should have some talent somewhere.  My grandpa Pehrson was not only a green thumb, his whole body should've been green.  Lol! My parents laugh at me all the time and say, "just wait to get your own house."  I can't wait for that either!  I will be so excited to plant all the fun flowers I see at the Nursery.  It will be really fun!
So, I'm really excited they are doing so well, but I will be watching closely, everyday and we will see if I can keep them healthy.  There has been no problems with them yet... but who knows...

Friday, June 15, 2012

Birthday & an Anniversary

I am taking this moment to officially blame Celebrity Cruise Line's for Houston's birthday and our anniversary being so close together.  :P 

Houston turned 27 on the 5th.  I asked about 100 times what he wanted to do for his birthday, and in perfect "guy" fashion he said he didn't know.  So, it ended up us going out to eat with his parent's to this really fantastic restaurant in Draper called Vuz. 

It's really quite expensive, but it was amazing.  They have lobster bisque as one of the soups... Okay, I don't really like lobster, but this was so good!  I could order just that and be happy.  Anyway, as for what he got from me.  He wanted a certain type of computer mouse and a new mouse pad, so I delivered.  I know it will be well used. 

 I had to work on Saturday, our anniversary so we hit the movies the night before...

The Anniversary was a lot better planned.  It was Houston's year to plan.  We ate at Macaroni Grill.  That was where we ate when he asked me to become his girlfriend.  That was fun to talk about the old days as we ate.  Afterwards we walked over into the Riverwoods shops and got dessert in Rocky Mountain Chocolate Factory.  I wanted him to see this fun little store called Blickenstaff's.  They sell old games and candy.  It's a really fun store!  While we were in there, we found a full rack of marbles.  Houston said that he wished they still made marbles out of glass.  I didn't know they ever changed, but lucky us, the ones they sold there were 100% glass.  They had so many different colors to choose from.  We decided that would be our anniversary splurge buy.  We did get each other gifts besides that. Lol!  After walking around in there we went over to Rocky Mountain Wing Shack to meet up with our friends to watch the last game between The Heat and The Celtics to see who would go the NBA Finals.   It was a fun night.  Here are some photos from that evening...

Here's our marbles.  Mine are on the left.  They look like the ones I played with at my grandpa's house growing up.  Houston chose the tiger marbles!  They had instructions on how to play. We will be playing soon. :)

This is Houston's gift to me.  I needed a new little camera.  I've had a few chances so use it and it's awesome!

Here's my gift to Houston.  He needed new shoes.  They are so much more cool in person!

We didn't only buy marbles in Blickenstaff's.  They had a photo booth. 
Here's to 3 years!

It's so weird to think that we have been married that long.  The pictures above really do tell you how we are when no one's looking.  Just a couple of weirdos.  Lol!  Now we move to year 4.  I'm excited to see how this next year is for us.  I feel like we haven't even scratched the surface of our lives together.  There are many more funny moments, mysteries and adventures to be had.  No one I would rather spend it with. <3 <3 <3