Our Journey...

Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Friday, January 31, 2014

Donated Blood... Yeah, Me!

One other thing I forgot to mention that was apart of my golden year was donating blood. 

Rewind over a year...

There was one Sunday, in our old ward, the man speaking that day commented about how one of his New Years Resolutions was to do something that he was afraid of.  For him, as for myself, it's needles... So he decided to donate blood to conquer his fear.

Well, I got thinking about it and decided that I should do something that had to do with my fear of needles during my golden year.  Well, taking up hard drugs wasn't an option, *Kidding.. Totally kidding!*  So I did exactly what he did.  I donated blood.  I thought about it all year and ended up getting it done RIGHT at the last minute.   That's right, on my birthday that would end my golden year.  Phew!  Just barely made it!  I don't have a picture of myself because, to be right honest with you, I didn't know if it was okay to take pictures in there, so.... This is my picture of it...

Yeah!  Well, I'm a huge baby and couldn't go alone.  So, my dear friend Amanda came with me to hold my hand.  That made it so much easier!  Thanks Amanda for coming! 

As for my after thoughts about it... I was really quite shocked about how easy and fairly painless it was.  I think that has to do with the fact that some person out there is really going to need my blood to help save their life, or the life of someone they care about.  So no, they don't lie when they tell you that you will have a sense of accomplishment by doing it. 

Now fast forward....

I got my blood donation card in the mail in the first part of January. I swear, if not the same day, but the day after I got a phone call from someone at the Red Cross wanting to schedule me for another donation.  I know most people hate it when they call, because they will, guaranteed! But I was glad when they called me.  It makes it so much easier. You don't have to remember to schedule your appointment.  They call you!   Works for me.  So... as you might guess, I set up an appointment.  It was so spur of the moment, that I didn't have anyone go with me this time. 

So here you go, a new and better picture from my donation on Jan 28....

Because of all the storms back east, they were really hoping to get people to donate.  One blood type was specifically mentioned, because it's so in demand, I guess. (I really don't know much about blood, to tell you the truth...)  Which is what my blood is. So hopefully my little pint donation will do some good. 

Lucky me, while I was waiting for my turn.  The lady at the desk pointed out that the date in which, people donating that day could donate again, was March 25.  They had a sigh up sheet that you could schedule your next appointment.  Awesome!

So yes, I'm going to donate again in March.  I still can't believe I'm saying (typing) that.  It doesn't mean I love needles now, by any means.  But knowing that your helping someone out really throws all that "needle fear" garbage out the window. 

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