Our Journey...

Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Sunday, January 9, 2011

New Years Resolutions revised... Plus, job update!

Awhile ago I posted some resolutions that I wanted to achieve this year.  I haven't given up on any of them just revised them a bit.

First off, Yoga.  So, I'm still doing it but some friends and I are doing the P90X, 90 day challenge, so I do Yoga once a week with that.  Houston was awesome and got me a yoga kit for Christmas!  Mat, block, and strap! The mat has inspiring words on it.  So, while I'm sporting the downward dog position, I can be motivated.  Always a plus! ;)
(Sorry about the totally retarded hair) Ha ha!

P90X is pretty intense but it's so much more fun to do with friends.  We laugh and cheer each other on.  The Yoga supplies come in handy on other of these work outs too. Yay, for that! I'm still not able to do a regular push up, but I'm working on it.  I call my arms, my T-Rex arms.  Slowly but surely! 

Still working on Japanese.  Just getting through the Hiragana alphabet. That's going to be a huge task but I'm going to do my best.

Job update!
I start at the post office on the 18th!  It's taken forever but I finally have a light at the end of the tunnel.  I'm a bit nervous, but I know I can get it done!


  1. I have the same mat and block set! haha I am still laughing at the T-Rex arms!!!
    Good luck with the Post Office job! Exciting!

  2. Thanks Sonja! I love the block for those hard moves that you just quite can't reach. I'm getting to where I don't have to use it much. I have never been really flexible so I'm excited to see some progress.
