Our Journey...

Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Monday, February 7, 2011

Cinderella found her "glass" slipper(s)!

So, I haven't bought shoes in such a long time.  I needed some new heels for church because at the moment the only pairs I own, are a pair of black boots, and my wedding shoes.  I sorta gave away the other possible church shoes I owned, like a retard... yeah.  So!  Now that I have gotten my first pay check, it was time to invest in some new ones.

I wanted to get some different colored ones and I looked in at least 5 different stores for some today to no avail.  :( As I was about it give up I remembered that I have always seemed to find heels I liked at Kohls.  So...  I went there.   I wasn't able to find colorful ones but I was able to find, not one, but TWO pairs I liked, and in great Kohl's fashion they were on a major sale!  I wanted just a pair of pumps, and here they are...
Just plain black pumps but I needed a pair, and I like!

Then there is the other pair.  My friend Erin told me that they totally looked like me, and I have to say that I totally agree.  A little weird but awesome nonetheless.
Like I said, a little weird, but I really like them.

That is the end of my shoe story.  I'm glad I found something and saved a bunch in the process. No color, but that will be for another day.


  1. Cute shoes! Black shoes are best in winter anyway. Save the colorful shoe shopping for spring. That will give you something to look forward to. Besides, there will be a better selection once April comes around.

  2. Thanks guys! I would love to get a pair of purple heels. That was the color I was looking for when I got these. Red would be good too.. LOL! Maybe I'm just looking for the whole rainbow.
