Our Journey...

Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

A Milestone of the AGES!!!

So, as all of my cousins on here know, I HATED peaches as a kid.  Barfing on my aunt's counter... Yeah...  I would've rather jumped in front of a truck than eat peaches.

Now the milestone.  My mother-in-law LOVES Lemon Elberta Peaches.  She had Houston run over to the local grower over the weekend to get her some.  She was out of town until Sunday, and when she got back these peaches had to be bottled!  She did half yesterday and was going to do the other half today.  She was  going to come home early from work to do them but that didn't exactly work out.  So she asked me to help out.  I didn't really plan on trying any.  I was just going to be the peeler. (A simple job)  She told me that could have as many as I wanted. (I didn't want any)  Lol!  As she was cutting them up to put into the jars, she offered me a slice. I didn't want to be rude, so I took one.  The smallest one, mind you. ;)  I took that tiny bite, waiting fir that ugly face and gag reflex to kick in... And... It never came.  It was actually really good!!  So much so, that I just downed the rest without a thought about it.  We finished filling all the bottles that she had, but there were extra peaches that had been peeled.  So she cut up a few and put them into a bowl.  I thought it was for her, but it was for me.  She put milk on them (She says their better with cream, but there was none).  It was very yummy nonetheless.  I ate it in like 5 minutes.  Lol!  Loved it! 

For all of those who think I'm telling a tall tale. ( I can completely understand.  I don't believe it either)  Here is the proof.....

The bowl is blurry.  Here is EXTRA proof!

It's a miracle! 

Lemon Elberta's= A+


  1. That is so funny! I can testify that you did not like peaches!! It is amazing how taste buds change when you get older. There are a lot of things that I love now that I hated when I was younger. I am so glad that you have seen the light and have come to realize that peaches are so yummy and are a little part of heaven (especially fresh)!

  2. I totally remember the peaches incident, my mom didn't believe you when you said you didn't like them. Go girl!
