Our Journey...

Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Sunday, November 13, 2011

The Jewelry Saga continues...

So I got my other ring!  I really like it.  It's a lot different than the others I have.  Here it be!

It's called Sophia.  Love it!  It makes me love gold!

Since I have all these jewels now I have a problem...  A bunch of little boxes.  I hate that!  So, I needed something to put them in or on.  Brynn, my totally jeweled out friend made a board for her jewelry that was huge.  (she needed it huge) She has all sorts of cool pieces.  I, on the other hand, don't have a forth of what she does.  So, I needed something similar, but much smaller.  We happen to be shopping and made a trip into my favorite store (Hobby Lobby) I love brainstorming with friends!  I had an idea and with both brains at work we found a way to bring it together.  Here is what I came up with....

 It started out as being a plan wood board.  I painted it, then stenciled on the bird.  Here it is with the jewelry on it....

I think it will do just dandy!  Now I can see all the things I have without digging through a bunch of boxes.  :)


  1. This turned out soooooooooo sweet! I had to call my mom over so she could check it out. I think i need to come up with a reason to do something similar...

  2. Do it! My only issue with it, is that I need to figure out a better way to keep the dowels in there. Cut them longer so they have more moving room.
