Our Journey...

Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Monday, January 16, 2012

Cirque Du Soleil

I was Brynn's golden year.  I have never heard that before, which she then explained to me is when you birth "day" is the same as your age.  She wanted to do something fun for her golden year.  She had thrown a few ideas she had at me, but nothing serious.  Then I got a text 2 weeks ago asking if I could get this weekend off to go to Vegas.  She wanted to go see Cirque Du Soleil.  I've always wanted to see a Cirque show live as well.  So... we went.  It was Brynn, Justin, Brynn's friend Brianne, her boyfriend Kevin, Houston and I.

We left Friday and came back today.  We stayed at the Excalibur, which was really awesome.  The rooms were nice. I wanted to steal the pillows.  I didn't, of course, but it crossed my mind.

We didn't only go to Cirque.  We hit a few other fun exhibits as well.  One of those being the Bodies Exhibition...
It was so crazy!  They explain how the bodies a preserved and you get to see pretty much the whole body in different rooms based on the system.  Like the circulatory system or embryo development.  It was kinda gross but pretty cool as well.  You couldn't take pictures inside, but here are some photos I got online to show you what's in there...
This next one was not in this particular exhibit but they did have different parts of the body like this....  It's the circulatory system, which I thought was the best...

After the Bodies Exhibition we went on Hotel over to Mandalay Bay to the Shark Reef.  There were a ton of people in there and my camera was having a hard time in the light.  Sorry for some bad pictures... LOL!

Waiting for Brynn and Justin before we went in.

I loved this face on the wall.  Brynn was such a good sport and posed for a picture with him!

Later that night was the main event.... Cirque Du Soleil!  There are at least 5 or 6 different Cirque shows in Vegas right now.  Brynn chose for us to go to KA, at the MGM Grand Hotel.

Let me say first that it was AMAZING!!!  If you ever get a chance, go and see one!

There were no cameras allowed during the show so, I had to find you some pictures online, to give you a brief idea of what you would see if you went and saw KA!

Here are some of the cast members normal and in costume!

 This show is, as they say gravity defying.  Here is the stage... that can and does go vertical!

Before the show started, there were people walking around and taking pictures.  We had had an earlier experience with this that was slightly awkward.  This time, no other couple in our group wanted one, but I figured that if I saw the pictures after and didn't like it, I wasn't obligated to buy. When the show got over, we went and looked at them.  I actually thought they were pretty good.  They came in this very nice display case (That logo at the top of this post is the cover of it)  So I bought it.  Here it is....
The mask I bought as well, along with a t-shirt too. :P  The mask is not used in this particular Cirque show.  It comes from their other show "O"  That can be seen at the Bellagio Hotel.

Here, have a look at a small promo video for it...

Sunday there was no particular plan other than to hit a Buffet somewhere.  We ended up at the Buffet at the Bellagio.  It was pricey, but any buffet that you can get as much prime rib as you want... I'M THERE!

We were totally stuffed.  Brynn and Justin's faces say it all. LOL!

 Here's our whole group!

Totally random photo.  This was in the Bellagio.  I thought it was cool.  Thought I'd share!
It was a great trip!  We had tons of fun!  I haven't been on a vacation in a while so it was good to get away and see something as cool as Cirque Du Soleil!


  1. I'm so glad you came!! I loved it and my friends made it a bajillion times cooler.

    I laughed at your comment: "Before the show started, there were people walking around and taking pictures. We had had an earlier experience with this that was slightly awkward."
    HAHAHA awesome.

  2. That looks like a lot of fun!! I have always wanted to go to a Cirque Du Soleil show. We saw that bodies exhibit when it was in SLC It is kind of weird. Really interesting though, it is amazing how they can to do that with all of those bodies. What a fun trip
