Our Journey...

Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Monday, February 13, 2012


As most of you already know, my oldest sister has left that stupid waste of air of a husband that she has been with for 20 years.  Just to give you a little insight into what kind of person he is, he is dragging back into court to try to have the divorce decree changed as well as suing her for slander.  REALLY!?  Note: The divorce has been final for months, and last time I checked, he was the one who put his name on the dotted line saying he was okay with it the first time around. 

I had some songs posted on my page perfect for this, but my songs never stay the same so, the songs I HAD posted for this were Katy Perry's song, Part of Me.  And Kelly Clarkson's song, Stronger.  Go take a listen. They explain themselves. :)  She is such a strong person and I want her to continue to strive to become what she has always wanted.  All this garbage with him is only going to make her stronger and a better person, because I know, for a fact that she has seen how horrible people can be.  She has gotten discouraged about all this not going away.  I knew he would continue to try to make her life miserable any way he can. He spent their entire marriage telling her that she wouldn't survive without him and that she was too weak.  He has lost control of the one thing he thought he would always be able to get to do what he wanted.  Was he sorely mistaken... Yes!!!   I told her that she has an army in her corner because she does.  She is such a forgiving person, but now she has reached her limit.  She will go on to do great things and get the life she always wanted.  

Music is such a good way to explain emotion.  So empowering!  These songs are for her and any of you if  you think you need a little empowerment too.



  1. I didn't know about her, but knowing Julie, she is a strong lady and will be able to pull through this.

  2. Yes she will. For a longtime she was very embarrassed about not seeing how he was treating her and her girls. She realizes that no one in the family thinks she dumb. It was something that she needed to figure out for herself. Now that she is moving on. We are all supporting her 100% in her choice. Jaren was born with a snake tongue. He knows how to put on show. It is probably a big shock that he is such a slime. Trust me, I don't want to be him on Judgement Day. He has A LOT to answer for.

  3. I love that you support her so much! She's an amazing person and I've always seen her as such a strong woman! So glad she is moving on with life and finally getting to see for herself what she is capable of.

  4. I would go toe to toe with that SOB! It was quite comical to see his reaction when my parents, Angie, Me, Shelby (His daughter) Julie's friend, and his own brother came to support at the last court hearing. After it was over he pretty much ran out of the court room. HAHAHA! It was so funny.

    P.S. NO ONE showed up to support him. Hmm... What does that tell ya..? LOL!

  5. Doug & I are certainly in her corner! We have always thought of her as a strong woman, and now she will prove it to the one who tried to beat her down. She is lucky to have such a great family to support her! Don't let this get you down though, Michelle. You sound pretty bitter, and at some point you may hve to let that all go and move on. She will be much better without him! I love you, Luie

  6. Thanks Luie! I'm not bitter all the time. Ha ha! I'm really not. I have had to tell myself that it's not worth my time or effort to worry about what kind of person he is. It doesn't help that Kassie has become just like him. She thinks it's okay for her to tell Julie how stupid she is, and she tells Shelby that she stupid for liking the things she does. I can't get my head around it. Sigh... Kassie is a very angry person. The only way she thinks she can feel better about herself, is to make everyone else as angry as she is. Julie has to stand up to her too. It's a horrible situation.

  7. That is so sad, and I'm like you, I can't wrap my head around it either. How could you be so cruel to your own mother! Some day she'll be sorry. She probably needs some counseling after seeing all the lies and deceit that she has from her dad. Must be confusing for her. But you are awesome!!! I can't wait to see you again. I can't believe you've been married almost three years. I was thinking it was just two coming up! Crazy! Love you girl!
