Our Journey...

Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Ridin' in the Dune Buggy

We were under the impression that the dune buggy was up at Houston's parent's cabin, in Wyoming.  Little did we know, it was still parked back in the shop.  Houston wanted to go take it up American Fork Canyon just for fun. So... We did!

Houston has been going hiking every Saturday morning.  (I can't because of work!  BOO!)  Anyway,  he wanted to see where the top of the Grove Creek Trail was and thought we might find it if we headed up Timpooneke Trail (Road).

It was an awesome ride.  Makes me want to go camping REALLY bad. All the trees and animals.  We saw at least 3 or 4 squirrels, some sage grouse, and a mountain goat.  Of course the goat popped up right as we had come through some trees, so I had no time to get the camera up. :(  It was really cool anyway.  We got to watch it run for a little ways anyway. The grouse flew up from the bushes right by the road. Houston's not a big hunter, but he does enjoy hunting pine grouse with he friend Justin.  So he kept pointing out good spots where you might find some.  All he needs now is a bird dog. ;)  House warming gift... maybe... When we get a house... LOL!

Moving on... To Houston's surprise, Grove Creek Trail ends right at the very bumpy dirt road we were on.  He wasn't sure where the road ended up, so we turned the buggy around and headed back the way we came.  For some reason it has a problem when it idles and it will die.  Thankfully Houston is a pro at stick and he got it moving every time.  I learned so many new things about driving a manual on this trip. I had no idea that you could let them roll and they would just start up!  Awesome!  I, myself, can't not drive a stick.  Maybe one day I will learn.

Here are some other photos from our adventure...

Just after we saw the mountain goat. We had been bounced around so much, we took a breather.

I honestly didn't think this picture would work out.  We were bouncing like crazy.  What a good little camera!

This is from the top of Grove Creek Trail.  Your supposed to be able to see  Utah Lake, but thanks to all the fires, it's BARELY visible.  

This is from back on the main road heading down.  I will say that the smoke did make the sun look pretty awesome though.  

Totally weird facial expression, but what can I say.  I don't do serious very well. :P

I love this picture!  Only took one try!

Hopefully we can take more trips up the canyon with the good ol dune buggy.  It was so worth the trip!

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