Our Journey...

Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Friday, September 14, 2012

Baby Gryphin

Our family is so happy to welcome Troy and Scheli's newest member!!

Gryphin Troy Hatch
Born September 13, 2012
12:59 pm
9lbs 5 oz
19 1/2" long

When Scheli found out she was pregnant again, it was a very happy moment.  We joked with Troy that he was going to get himself another girl, and they would have to try again for a boy.  Lucky him, he got his boy. You couldn't slap the smile off his face, he was so excited.  Phynix was very happy to have a sibling to teach new things, and help take care of.

Not too far into the pregnancy it was apparent that he was going to be a pretty big boy.  Scheli was measuring way above what she was supposed to.  Towards the end, she was getting bruises to prove how big and strong he was.

Yesterday, I got a phone call from Troy saying that they were at the hospital and that she was far enough along to have her epidural, so it wasn't going to be too long.  Sure enough not 3 hours later he was here.

Angie came down for a wedding in St. George, so it was perfect timing for her to be there to see him.  Phynix spent the morning with Angie, Brian, and Jace at the zoo, and when they got back we all went over to the hospital.

Phynix knew she was getting a baby brother, but I don't think she realized she was going to see an actual baby, not just her mom's tummy, when she got to the hospital.  She was kind of nonchalant when Troy talked to her on the phone and told her.  When we got to hospital and she was able to see that there was an actual baby there she was in total aw...

She couldn't stop touching him.  Almost as if she needed to make sure he was really real.  It was so adorable.

I got photo's of everyone holding him.

Proud Daddy!

Aunt Angie

Slightly baby phobic Me... 
(I'm getting better!)

 Proud Grandpa

 Adoring Grandma

We are so happy to have him here.  They are such a cute little family!

P.S. That little seahorse in the first picture was from me.  Phynix told everyone that it had to be by him to calm him down.  :P  She knows how these things work.


  1. Thanks for posting the pictures. He looks like a cutie!!

  2. he is huge!! what a cutie! Thanks for the pics.
