Our Journey...

Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Monday, December 10, 2012

Endowment Day!

I'm really slow...  I was going to post this along with our Sealing pictures but I still haven't got them yet, so I thought I better just separate them.

The actual day this happened was November 21, 2012.

I wont lie, I was really nervous.  We were lucky enough to have my aunt and uncle AND my cousin.  They wouldn't be able to be to the Sealing, so they came to our Endowments instead.  As for my nervous, it really went away once we were in.  Everyone is so helpful and nice.

We choose the Mt. Timpanogos Temple to take out our Endowments.  Very helpful that it's right down the street.  It's a beautiful temple!

I obviously can't tell everything about this experience, but I will say that it's not "of the world"  I have some more pictures, so enjoy!

Uncle Doug, Aunt Luie, Dad, Mom, Houston, Me, Justin, Jodi, and Darcy

Us and our escorts


We haven't had a chance to get back to do others' Endowments yet, but we will. :)

Once we get the pictures from our Sealing, I'll post about it. :)

Up next, is Brynn and Justin's wedding!  Lucky us, we will get to see the sealing room of the Temple behind us here. (our Sealing was at a different Temple.) Stay tuned to see it!


  1. So proud of you Houston and Michelle!! Best decision you will ever make!
