Our Journey...

Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Thursday, October 14, 2010

For the love of worms, bugs, and our little Phynix

 I have found a new pass time.  Playing with my adorable niece Phynix.  She is so stinking smart!  Our first adventure, with weird things, was funding out the Potato bugs are nice.  She wouldn't hold it at first, once I convinced her it was safe she held her hand out with a serious look of caution on her face.  It climbed onto her hand and she was okay for a few seconds until it start to move. It tickled her hand. Once she learned this, she wanted to hold it again but it had probably landed in Colorado somewhere, courtesy of her panic.
*Sorry no photo's of this.  I'm sure there will be more chances soon enough* 

We have also found fun in making hats out of paper.  She loves her Indian Head dress and her crown, but what she loves best are the stapler, Elmer's glue, and scissors.  She is so good about using them right.  Her scissors are safety scissors of course, just in case. ;)  The best part of it all was when she started accidentally cutting triangles of paper all by herself.  She was so proud of herself.  She kept saying, "I did it! I did it!" All of her triangle pieces made it onto the crown as jewels. From what I hear, she still has both pieces at home.
Phynix and her Head dress
Her and her scissors.  Look at how well she uses them!
Her crown

Yesterday I was weeding my parent's flower bed and I came across a huge worm.  I showed it to her and the first thing she did was held her hand and said, "Let me hold it".  No fear whatsoever. After we had put the worm back in the dirt she walked into the garage and came back with a little tea light candle lantern.  She walked up to the dirt and called, "Worm.....WORM!"  I asked her if the lantern was a Fairy house. (Like the one in Tinker Bell and the Great Fairy Rescue)  She said no.  So I asked what it was, as she still called for her worm and she said, "It's a worm house"  We spent the rest of the afternoon weeding, replanting bulbs, and searching for worms.  Relocating to the dirt filled lantern.

Not to mention she LOVES puppies.  Julie's dogs had puppies and Julie brought 2 of them down to Utah with her last weekend.  Phynix keeps saying "Oooh! They are so cute!" (About as high pitched as she can go.)

What better way to spend the day than with a curious, funny,  and fearless explorer.


  1. What a cute little girl! I love how little kids are so excited about the smallest things.

  2. She is super cute! I love being an aunt, I don't need to be a mom. ;)

    Aha! I figured out what was wrong after running into the same problem on another blog with your same comment format. For some reason, if a blog is set up to have comments inbedded into the post, I have to enable the accepting of third party cookies. I have that disabled on my laptop. Retarded... I will simply have to remember to accept them whenever I am out blog stalking. ;) lol

  3. At least the problem is solved. LOL!
