Our Journey...

Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Sunday, October 31, 2010


Can I just say... I LOVE Halloween!  Brynn, Erin, and I did a Halloween party last night.  The theme was "Unhappily Ever After".  It was so much fun.  We, of course, had way too much food but that was okay with me.  Brynn's house was decorated so well. (Done by Brynn)  and Erin made some super awesome cupcakes.  We played some games and even had a costume contest.  We wanted somewhere to take everyone's picture so we made a backdrop.  LOL! Sorta reminded me of those backdrops they had for high school dances.  We like to watch a movie at the end of the party.  We watched Hocus Pocus this year.  Anyway, here are the pictures of everyone and some funny ones through out the party. (P.S. the pumpkin above is the one carved for this year.)

Houston as Jack, from Jack and Jill.

Brynn as Little Miss Muffet. Those bloody spots are sporting spiders. Yum!

Erin as Cannibal Gretel.  Yeah, Hanzel is in the basket.

Houston and I as Jack and Jill.  So painful!

Melissa as a Thug.  She was the winner of our costume contest!  It was so cool!  I don't like Tupac but that shirt is freaking awesome!

Jared as a Lumberjack.  He didn't have his axe but that's okay.

Quinn and Aubrey as Ron and Hermione.

During the lap games these two sat on each others lap about the whole game.

Erin and Brynn.  Such good costumes!

This is the picture of the party!  So awesome!

Poor Erin.  LOL!

Yeah, I got to hold the Thug!

Us... Yeah, it's hard to take pictures of yourself as well as another person.

Houston took this picture. LOL!  I believe I was trying to act out the Salem Witch Trials.


  1. That looks like so much fun! We were totally looking forward to it....too bad we all got sick, bleh. I'm glad it turned out so awesome though.

  2. Yeah, Houston said you guys weren't feeling too great. Becca didn't come either... I wonder why.. Ha ha! I think next year I'm going to go for a costume that doesn't involve a lot of makeup and blood. Houston and I both had to go home and shower before bed. I didn't really want bruise makeup and blood all over the sheets. It was so much fun though!

  3. hey i had a goo reason to miss :) i was sad to miss out but i'll make it next year

  4. Great pictures, michelle! everytime I look at your Salem Witch Trial picture i just bust up laughing. expert timing on houston's part.

  5. Yes, Becca you had very good reason. I think Titan wanted to be born before the party so he could come too, not knowing that they wouldn't let you leave the hospital that soon. ;)

    Houston did an awesome job on that picture Brynn. I look like a total goon but it's a great memory of a great party!

  6. You guys have morbid costumes!! haha! I love it!! Keep having fun girlie!
