Our Journey...

Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Friday, November 5, 2010

Hallowe...Christmas countdown blocks

So, I might be weird but I don't really like advent calendars (in regards to Christmas anyway).  I have tried to find a way of doing one that I liked that nothing was really working out.  I still wanted something to countdown to those exciting holidays.  I found something that I really liked (Pictured below)  and was going to make a set like it for Halloween.
When I went to Robert's to find the scrapbook paper for it, I couldn't find anything that I really liked. (They didn't have a very good selection of Halloween or even black and white for that matter.)  So, I decided to do a set for Christmas instead.  The plus, I decided, was that I could actually use them this year.  I didn't discover this project until October had already started. (In my brain that is just too late)  Can I just say that they are not hard to make once you have all the supplies. I tried to find somewhere to buy the blocks but was unsuccessful.  Luck was with me,  I guess, because my parent's fence post busted and they had to replace it.  The post they bought was almost a foot too tall so I was able to keep the part that was sawed off.  Then for the base my dad actually had a board that was the right size (2x6).

This is the end result.... 

I'm so excited to use them! I even watched Christmas movies while I made them.... I felt justified!  Houston says I can't use them until December 1st! He really tries to give every holiday it's due month. Since we've been married I have come be the same way.  I'm still planning on making Halloween ones, but I think this was a good start.


  1. Michelle, I had no idea you were so crafty! A quilt, blocks, what's next?? I think you should make some for the Pehrson raffle, because I want some :)

  2. Those are so cute!! So did the paper come with the numbers already on it? They really are dang cute.

  3. Hey thanks guys! This is what happens when I have a lot of time to spare. Tayna, that is a good idea... But what kind should I do?

    Jana, no the paper didn't come with the numbers. I bought 6 different patterns of paper. I used 2 squares from each design, for the backgrounds, and then I used the same paper for the numbers as well. I found a font that I liked and printed templates onto card stock, cut those out and traced them onto the Christmas paper, then cut those out for the finished product. That was probably the hardest part. Ha ha!
