Our Journey...

Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Blue Bird Cafe Concert Series

Houston and I were lucky enough to get tickets to this event, pretty much thrown in our laps.  Houston's mom has a friend who works at Sundance and asked if we would like to come.  I didn't really know what we were going to, but we didn't have anything else planned so... why not!? :)  It was up at the Sundance Amphitheater.   We showed up way early, which just meant we got to pick wherever we wanted to, to sit.  Come to find out when we got there, it was a country concert.  They had three female singer/songwriters from Nashville there to perform.    For someone who is not a huge country fan, it was really awesome.  I could go to a concert like that again for sure!  They each sang there own songs, told stories, and joked around with the crowd. 

The ladies are as follows....
Gretchen Peters, Matraca Berg, Marshall Chapman

These ladies are so awesome.  They are more in the background when it comes to popular country music.  These are the ladies that write some of the hits for bigger named singers.  For example, Matraca Berg co-wrote the song Strawberry Wine.  There were some other bigger hits they all sang, but (me being not so knowing of country music) I can't remember what they are called.  
You know these ladies really love music when they can play a small amphitheater as if its a stadium.  Kudos to them for sure!  Here are some other pictures we took while there...

The amphitheater

Our tickets!

Some more photos of them :)

And last...  I had to take this picture.  We went to the bottom, and are going to the top in August!  I LOVE The Sound of Music!  It will be awesome!  For as much as I dislike Robert Redford... Sundance is making me happy this year!


  1. Sounds like you have been having fun this summer! The thunder storms have been crazy, we have had like three HUGE storms the last week. It was a good thing you went in and saw it before it went all over your house. I am glad that you are finding the light and realizing that country music is actually good!! j/k

  2. Yeah, that rain storm clean up was not the best, but it really wasn't as bad as it could've been, by far! Lol! As for the country music. I have never disliked it, I just listen to other stuff in the car. It's much more fun, live! :)
