Our Journey...

Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Thursday, July 7, 2011

The Rodeo and The Rain...

My goal every year is to get to the rodeo.  We have not been to one since we've been married for one reason or another.  awe finally made it this year!  We went to the Lehi Roundup.  It was some good old fashioned American fun!  Here's some pictures of the girls there...  The boys weren't as keen on having their picture taken.

I lied, here is Houston there too. :)
And the cool motorcross guys that performed!

As for the rain....

2 nights ago we were just hanging out downstairs, like usual.  I checked facebook and a guy I'm friends with said something about a storm.  Where we live, you can't hear much from outside, so I started to listen for it.  I could hear the thunder and a very quiet rain from the living room so I walked to the bedroom window to hear it better.  The window well had a little puddle, but nothing to write home about.  So I walked back out the the living room and almost at the same moment decided to go back to the be bedroom to read.  I headed back to the bedroom and was surprised at how loud the rain was.... Well, not only was it pouring outside, it was pouring in through the window too!!!  I scream for Houston and ran and flung garbage from the bedroom garbage can all over to use it to catch the water coming in.  Houston, in the mean time had run outside and was at the window well with a bucket shoveling the water out of it.  (Think of what it looks like when people fling water out of a boat... Same thing)  The water wasn't coming in anymore but I could hear it loud still... So I walked to the bathroom and it was coming in there too!!!  So Houston moved to that window.  I grabbed all the towels we had and threw them on the floor and ran outside with my trusty garbage can.  The reason the water was coming in was because the rain gutter right between the 2 windows was plugged.  Houston, being a total crazy person, got onto the roof to clean it out.  Mind you, it was a crazy thunder storm!  He got it clean and got down.  *Sigh* The water was running where it was supposed to so we went back inside.   I spent the next 20 minutes tiptoeing on towels to get the water up.  

Houston was outside for maybe 15 minutes, and I was out there for maybe 10.  Houston's mom took this picture.....
Anyone for going swimming....?  Or looking like it anyway.  I also had grass ALL over my legs from kneeling down at the window wells.  Lucky for us, that's over.

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