Our Journey...

Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Monday, October 3, 2011

Kassie's Reception

In case you didn't think that I felt old when I found out my oldest niece was getting married... well, I do. Lol!  Their reception was on October 1st.  Houston had class that morning, so we had to race up after to make it to the reception.  Kassie's husband, Eric's, family is Hispanic so it was a cultural experience for everyone.  Most of the night consisted dancing to some very spirited music.  Eric's family is so talented, they all know how to dance well.  Here are some pictures from the event...

Kassie and Eric cutting the cake...

Shelby, how cute is she!

A lot of dancing!

Even Angie and Brian got into the action....

At least for a second. 

Then there is what's called, The Money Dance.  It's a Hispanic tradition.  In a nut shell, people pay to dance with either the bride or the groom.  Normally the last person to dance with them gets to keep the money, but in Kassie and Eric's case, they just kept the money that was pinned to them.  Pictures below...

Kassie dancing with her father-in-law

This is an uncle, I believe.  Him and his wife were VERY good dancers!

And Brian got in the the action too. 

Julie and Kassie.  So cute together.  And yes, those are Kassie's earnings from The Money Dance.  I heard that they got about $300 between the two of them.  Not Bad!

Houston and I attempting to dance... Lol!  Houston looks quite dashing, if I do say so myself.


  1. You're niece looks quite a bit like you :). And look at your awesome shoes!

  2. Lol! those were supposed to be my wedding shoes, until I found out I either had to walk through grass or down stairs. Either way it would have taken forever. I really like those shoes. My feet, on the other hand, were not happy with me. Houston told my niece that I didn't stand in them very long, so when I started taking pictures, I wanted to prove a point. I proved it as I limped to the car. :P

  3. Kassie looks so happy and so pretty! That looks like a fun reception! I remember your shoes. They are awesome.

  4. Thanks Jana! It really was quite fun and interesting. I love those shoes. I was trying to decide between wearing these or my blue suede heels. I pulled these out first to weigh my decision. I haven't taken them out in awhile, I guess, because I was so struck by how in love with them I am. There was no other option after that. ;) Amazingly enough, they are one of my easiest pair of heels to walk in, but I will note that they will make your feet hurt after continuous wear. I think I bruised the balls of my feet that night. So worth it though!
