Our Journey...

Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Things I Never Thought I Would Like....

I need to make blogs that aren't all about reading.  Wow, I'm a giant book worm now. ;)  I looked back through my recent posts and it's all book reviews.  I'm making a special effort here people!  LOL!

To the actual subject of this post.  As many of you here know.  As a kid I was such a stinker when it came to trying new kinds of food.  Like everything!  Ha ha!

But look at that cute face!

Well,  since then, things have changed.

It all started when I met Houston.  He convinced me to try all sorts of new things.  Most of which are things that are actually good for me.  Plus!!  All of the following are things I WOULD NOT eat before meeting him...

My parents didn't really like it so I just followed suit.  Not any more!  It's so good!


I would eat this before, but it had to be covered in cheese and other such things.  We eat it steamed with just some salt and pepper.  


This one took awhile.  I tried it few times and wasn't impressed.  I don't know what happened, I just started liking it.  We eat it steamed as well.  I even ate it for an after work snack today! 


I've always liked Halibut, but salmon... That was not happening.  We've been eating  it a lot more recently and I have come to really like it. 


I still can't eat these plain, but candied yams, especially Houston's Dad's recipe.... Yum!


This one I wouldn't touch!  Now it's something I look forward to every year. (Multiple Times) 


I KNOW!  What happened to me!  I was such a snot about all these foods.  Now, I love them.  I have Houston to thank for convincing me to take a "Risk" and at least try them.  He's the one person I will readily put the proverbial foot in my mouth for.  Especially because once you start eating a lot of these things,  you magically start losing weight.  Yay!  Now  I just need to learn to like these....

That will be an uphill battle.  Neither one of us like these.  Lol!  They look so good in pictures...  I don't know what it is. They are weird, but I will try for this one too.  :)

Any other suggestions on foods I should try..?  I'm trying to expand my pallet.

Monday, March 5, 2012

Ghost Print!

I've been waiting for a package.  It's for Brynn's birthday that was LAST month!  Yeah... Belated... maybe...?  Anyway, I went out to check that the mail was brought in.  I thought, by some chance it would be out in the box.  Sigh... it was not. 

Sorry Brynn!!!  It's coming, I promise!

Anyway, on my way back into the house I saw something so cool!  Here is the picture I took of it... Can you see it...? (click the picture to enlarge it)


I thought it was awesome... and sad.  If you look close in the center of the picture you can see the print that was left by a bird that obviously crashed into the huge front window.  Based on the way it looks, I think the bird realized there was glass there at the last second.  The wings are both spread.  It's actually quite pretty. 

That bird either magically survived, or someone cleaned it up.  There was no dead bird on the porch.  I was okay with that.  The ghost print was good all by itself.

Random share moment.  :P