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Friday, July 6, 2012

Strap on the Headphones

As most of you know, I'm a music freak.  I don't think I would survive work if I didn't have something playing.  Well, there are select few songs that are worthy of strapping on the headphones and turning it to 11!  There is just something about them. 

If you've been to concert and had the bass hit you so hard that you can feel it in your bones, you know what I'm talking about.  I must be weird, but I LOVE that feeling. 

Out of sheer need to share with the few who read this blog, I've gone through and found the songs that I ALWAYS turn up the volume to.  It's even better when I've got my massive headphones on. 

Anyway, some of the songs I have had the pleasure of hearing live in concert, and others that I wish I had.  Just imagine the bone shake!

In no particular order....

Sweet Dreams,  The Eurythmics 

Black Panther, Crystal Castles

Thunderstruck, AC/DC
(Seen in concert) 

Dead Man's Party, Oingo Boingo  

Dirty Laundry, Don Henley

Cosmic Love, Florence and the Machine

Ulysses, Franz Ferdinand
(Seen in Concert) 

I think the only person who might appreciate this post is Brynn.  Ha ha!  She is just as into music as me.  I hope everyone enjoyed, but at least Brynn might. ;)



  1. HAHAHA yes I did love this post!!! I didn't recognize all these songs, but the ones I did are pretty much the exact same ones I have to blast as well. Cosmic Love? HELLO Sweet Dreams? Yes please.

    lovely post. :) I enjoyed this!

  2. I know you've done a couple posts music related. I realized the other day that I didn't own Sweet Dreams! I was really shocked with myself. Ha ha! We heard it while driving Houston's mom's car and she has a way better system than I do. It sounded SO AWESOME in there. I really need to get to another concert soon. Everyone we really like are either making albums or aren't together anymore. Come on people! Get to Utah!
