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Wednesday, July 18, 2012

"Teach a Man to Fish"

I've been in the market for some gladiator type sandals.  Can I just say, that those are the hardest type of shoe to pick!  I've looked high and low.  They needed to be nice enough to wear to church, but also comfortable enough to wear anywhere else too. I had no luck in the stores or online... :( 

To tell you the truth I can't even remember how I stumbled upon these.  I know I saw it and within seconds had it up on my pinterest page.  The sandals I finally got are called Sseko's. 

Ta Da!!!  These are mine, on my feet!

Here is the cool thing about these sandals.  You buy the bottoms...

With the color strap you want...

Then you can buy a bunch of other straps in all different colors!

To make it even better, there are a bunch of different ways to tied them...

The best part is, they have videos on the website on how to tie each one of these. :)
 I got 6 different colors of straps, so I technically have a color to match just about everything!

Now for the BEST part.  These sandals are made by a company that hires women in Uganda. Once they graduate high school they can do a 9 month internship with the company.  The whole point is to help them earn money to go to college.  It's very difficult for women to go to college, and in turn repeats the cycle of poverty.  The company understands the pressure from family and other people to give the money they earn away, so Sseko hold most of the money for the 9 months so it will go to their schooling. They say, on the site that the company is NOT a charity.  It's an internship program. Once they start college, they can stay with the company to help continue to pay for college.  Some of the women went there before, during and still there after school is done!

The saying "Give a man a fish and he eats for a day.  Teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime." could not be more true in this case.

I couldn't say no to awesome sandals AND helping someone out! I actually got them today and have been wearing them all around the house.  They are so comfortable too!  I also really like the idea of quality hand made items... These fit that mold.  All parts of the shoes are made by these wonderful women!

Totally not trying to sales pitch anyone, but I think they are great and I feel pretty darn good helping the less fortunate. 

If you are in the market, and these look good, you can visit Sseko Sandals website:

1 comment:

  1. That is really cool! I might just have to look it up and get some!
