Our Journey...

Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Oktoberfest and Other Adventures...

I'm so glad that I have friends that are well informed about the fun things to do during the year.  I swear, work makes me live in a bubble.

With that being said, Brynn and Justin wanted to go Oktoberfest, up at Snowbird. Saturday was the best day so I needed to hurry it up at work so we could get headed up there.  Lucky me, I was on the easy route so I was able to be done and heading home at around 1:45!  (That's a really good day!) Houston had to run to Provo for something, so we left at around 3.  Once we arrived we had to search out things to do.

There were tons of people with hug mugs of beer everywhere.  That was something we didn't want to indulge in, but we knew there had to be other things to do.  We got some "sweet waffle"  then headed over by the ski lifts.  We wanted to do this thing called the Mountain Flyer.  It's pretty much a little two seater contraption on a lift cable.  They pull you up to the top and then you come flying back down.  We had to walk around and in the process we found what I was looking for.  Face Painting!!!  They also did henna so I did that instead.  Brynn got a black cat and moon painted on her face (regular paint)  I got a lotus flower on my arm in henna.  The boys didn't do any painting.  After that we did the Mountain Flyer.

Brynn takes such good pictures!

It doesn't stay looking like this.  All the paste chips away to leave the lotus pattern underneath.  It only will last about 5 days to a week. 

  Then walked back down and looked through the little booths.  I ended up finding a tile magnet with the Swedish Dala Horse on it, and of course had to buy it.  :P For good reason...  Both Houston and I's families hail for Sweden.  Go go heritage!

After that we took our pictures. And went into the food tent to listen to the polka band perform.

Then played a bean bag game, that you just try to get it into the hole of a board that's about 15 away.

Brynn was the first to get it in the hole.

 Yeah, I'm sporting only one sleeve because I'm still waiting for the henna to dry and can't touch it. 

After that, we decided we were good to head out.  The boys had talked about going to The Pi for pizza.  Mmm.... I love The Pi.  Funny thing, Houston and I, and Brynn and Justin both ate The Pi for our first dates. Ha ha!  (All the cool people do it)  If you ever get a chance to go here though, get the Pizza Pull Aparts (without cheese)  They are awesome!

We went to The Pi that's in South Jordan so.... I asked if we could take a little detour home...  :)

Most everyone who reads this knows why I wanted to visit this place.  It was also just the right time of day to get some good pictures too. ;)

I give you...
Oquirrh Mountain Temple

The next pictures taken here we will be in much nicer clothes

After we took some pictures we decided to drive around through the neighborhoods around there and see all the nice homes.

On our way out, I had to get one more picture of the temple....

So pretty...  We are really excited!


  1. Ah this post made me super happy. :) good friends are the best!!

    also, i'm super stoked for december to come around. for BOTH of us!

  2. LOL! Yes, it will be so great! I wasn't sure if I could mention anything about December for you guys. :P

    I'm so glad that I have such great friends! Thank you for being one. :)

  3. Love the post. YOu lead a fun life and you and HOuston are great together! We are excited about December also for you!! You're our jewel!! Love you!
