Our Journey...

Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Monday, September 3, 2012

Seattle/PAX 2012

Houston likes something called Penny Arcade.  In Seattle they have the Penny Arcade Expo (PAX)  Pretty much what PAX is, is a big expo where gaming companies come to show off their new games. Houston wanted to go so... We did.  We have friends that live there so, that makes it even easier to go.  I took a bunch of pictures of our adventure at PAX and elsewhere.

Here are the picture I took at PAX

Sony had a new Alien game so they had this huge 
thing that could sit in and have your picture taken.

Houston playing a Sonic the Hedgehog racing game.

Houston and Sam standing in the midst of the crazy.

Lots of people came dressed up as different game characters.

This was a pretty serious costume!

I had to take a picture of this guy.. 
I wonder if he wears his hair like that all the time..?

Houston playing Playstation's All Stars Battle Royale

Our pass to get in.

Oliver couldn't come into PAX with us so Chuck got him a Gandolf hat. 

One thing you have to know about whenever we go to Seattle.  We get taken to the best places to eat.
Photos of those places too...

We dared Oliver to put an Ice cream ball in his mouth.  It was about the size of a golf ball...  I haven't laughed so hard in a long time. 

This place a conveyor belt sushi place.  You watch as plates of sushi come around on the belt and take the ones you want.  The plates have different colored rims, and that tells you how much they are.  

Next stop Korean BBQ.  So good!!!
Houston and Chuck

Sam eating Octopus

Sam convinced me to eat some too.  I would only eat a leg.  I was pleasantly surprised, it was actually pretty good.  

Are you hungry yet...?

This is one of my favorite things.  Boba.  Those little black things are tapioca.  So good!

We had to hit Pike's Market...

The first trip Houston took to Seattle like 5 or 6 years ago, he took a picture like this.  The last time they went on the guys trip, everyone took one.  
Now it's my turn.  :D

The best part.... The Flowers!

Here is a few more random photos....

Houston and Sam love to play Magic... Dan is also an avid Magic player.  So Dan took us into the card shop he goes to.  They lady who owns it was nice and gave us all a free starter pack.  Houston taught me how to play and I won my first game!

All sorts of Asian candy can be found in Seattle.  The White Rabbits are sooo good!

The Seattle guys! (Minus Bee)  
From left to right..
Wendy, Oliver, Dan, Robert, Andrew, and Chuck.

We were up so late our last night there.... Houston was way tired. 

On our flight home we passed by Mt. Rainier.  We weren't supposed to have electronics out yet, but I couldn't resist taking a picture.

We had such a good time.  The guys in Seattle are so awesome to taxi us around all over.  Now we can look forward to our next trip there.


  1. AH looks like so much fun!! I'm glad you had fun even though you aren't much big into gaming like they are. :)

  2. Thanks Brynn. Yeah, PAX was REALLY crazy. I didn't really get much, only because I don't play all the games there. The point when I was able to sit down and just people watch, was the best. There are some really weird people who go to these sorts of things... LOL!
