Our Journey...

Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Monday, August 26, 2013

Our House... In The Middle of Our Street.

Most everyone who reads this knows already that we bought a house.  So, here it is!
(This is the listing photo)

We had almost bought another house in Eagle Mountain, but the location was not ideal for either of our establishments of work.  It didn't become really obvious until Houston had to drive straight from work in Springville out there to do the inspection.  So we backed out of it.  I didn't want to waste time, so talked to a real estate agent and said I wanted to continue looking right away.  

I saw the listing for our "now" house the same day and went through it that day too!  I couldn't get over how good the location was and the fact that I've always liked Victorian Style homes.  This is obviously not a real Victorian, but I'm okay with a knock off.  :P

I called Houston right away and said he needed to leave work to come and see it.  The owners only wanted the house listed and shown for 2 days so everything had to be fast.  

Long story short, they chose our offer and we are now in the house!  


In case you didn't know this about me.  I am slightly OCD about things being a certain way.  So, first thing I did was paint all the bedrooms.  The house was all white except the living room. It was a very nice color so it stayed.  But everything else was white.  It felt like a hospital!  I did all bedrooms before we moved all of our stuff in.  Best decision!  I didn't have to move stuff around to get to the walls. 

I didn't paint everything all at once.  I want to change the main color too but we have deemed that a winter project.  As for now, I've been doing yard beautification.  I couldn't believe how the previous owners let the front yard get!  You can't see it from the photo above but there were SO many weeds in the flower beds.  So, I weeded like crazy and in the process I found a peony that I didn't even know was there.... Yeah, I was slightly bugged.

Once all the weeds were out I got to ridding the west side of flower bed of ivy!  That stuff is such a beast to get rid of. And I found a tree stump I didn't know was there either...  Thankfully enough Troy came over and helped us rip that one out so I could continue getting all the landscaping I wanted to get done before fall, which included putting a bush pretty much right where it was.  None of the original flowers are staying.  3 Peony bushes and 3 rose bushes are being dug up and taken to my parent's house.

I did paint one other thing..  The front door. I didn't like the green so I went red....

The shutters are green too, but I bought black ones, and they should be showing up today or tomorrow.  

Here are bushes that got put in. 

Green Mountain Boxwood

Red twig Dogwood

Midnight Wine Weigela

Here is before. That stupid stump is right there in the middle.  It kinda  hard to see.  Looks like a rock. It was huge when we started digging around it.

Here is after!!! the Boxwood and the dogwood on the right!

The Weigela is by the steps in the front of the house. It replaced the Peonies. Sorry no picture of it. 

We have so much work to get done before fall!  The front will be easy now that the big stuff is in.  I've ordered a bunch of bulbs, but they wont be here until October.  Now it's on the backyard stuff.  We got rid of giant compost pile, that wasn't done right and made the yard look horrible.  Now it's rocks.... Wait until I post of the pictures of the trailer that will take them away. There are SOOO many!   We are almost done.  One more pile left.  

Anyway, that's all the improvements so far.  "The Rock Post" will be next.


  1. I love everything!! I want a tour of the inside too, maybe in the next, next post!!
    Way to go!

  2. I'm impressed with how quickly everything is starting to come together. I want to see your yard in person, I know you've done a TON of work! PS I love that you will have black shutters with a red door. I must see pictures when the shutter go up.
