Our Journey...

Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

The Rock Post

I have think of it as a blessing that all these rocks were in piles when we moved in.  Obviously someone we trying to clear them out of flower beds and such, but didn't get around to taking them away.  

There were 6 piles.  One in the front flower bed (Where the Dogwood bush is now) *see previous post. And there were 5 in the backyard. The front yard pile is not in this trailer.  I was able to put them in the garbage can without making it too heavy. (Thank goodness!) I started loading them in the trailer last Monday.  It was an interesting experience because you think that the rocks are all on top of the dirt.  Ha ha!  That would be way too easy.  Every pile had rocks under the dirt, so a shovel was useful. 

I was going to get the last and biggest pile out yesterday, which would mean I loaded them all in the trailer myself.... That was until I started picking up rocks and finding spiders that were looking at me like this....

Seriously!  They were acting like they wanted to attack me!  I don't like spiders when they are running away from me.  EVEN LESS when they're raising there legs, ready to attack!  It didn't help that there were at least 20 that I saw.  This was another reason to get rid of the rock piles.  Nowhere to live, so find a new home... In the neighbors yard!

I called Houston and told him I couldn't finish.  The spiders where just too much.  He laughed and told me to take the hose over there and spray them when I saw them.  (I didn't even think of that)  Well, I took the hose over, but instead of spraying them when I saw them.  I just totally drenched the whole rock pile, and watched as they fled.  I started picking up rocks again a little bit later, but to make things worse, the tire on the wheelbarrow went flat.  So I had to start filling buckets and carrying them over to the trailer.  That last pile was not very far away from the trailer, but after you've lifted ten buckets full over and up into it, you get really tired.  

So all in all, Houston had to help with the last 1/3 of the last pile. 

On a good note! It's all done!!!!


I'm sure there will plenty more rocks, but all of those will make trips to the dump in the garbage can. Hopefully we will find those future rocks a little bits at at time. 

Oh, As for all the yard work. I have gone through 2 pairs of work gloves in less than 2 months.  Houston says the most recent pair to get a hole should probably be covered with duct tape.  Otherwise we will probably go broke just replacing gloves for me. LOL!


We took the rocks to the dump.  They weigh you when you go in.  Here is how many pounds of rocks we took out of our yard...


1 comment:

  1. Way to go!! I can't believe you moved all those yourself. I am sure you built up some good muscle. I love the house!! You have been hard at work. Can't wait to come and see it sometime!
