Our Journey...

Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Saturday, September 18, 2010

I need a moment....

I was pretty sad yesterday. Someone I know got married to one of the lowest pieces of scum on the planet yesterday, and she has no idea what's going to happen to her. She has carried a pair of rose colored glasses through the whole thing. sigh.... Hopefully she will be strong enough to get out of it and see him for what he really is.

With that being said, I had to come to the realization that "You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make it drink." The thing that makes me the most sad is that I know that she will never speak to me again and she will never hear the truth about him. He has her so brainwashed already that she honestly believes ANYTHING he says without a second thought about it. Not to mention her parent's have fallen into his trap too. Her sister, who is a friend of mine, tried to warn her and had to actually hear this girl say that she would choose him over her if she didn't let all she had heard go and just support her. WHO SAYS THAT TO THEIR SISTER!?!?!?!

This guy was married to one of my best friends. She got married and fell off the face of the earth. When she left him, she told us her story and I was so angry that if murder wasn't a sin, I would have found him and gave him what he deserves. I am so proud of this friend that she was strong enough to walk away. No one deserves to be treated like garbage.

Hopefully this new girl will in my words "Pull her head out" and run... run as fast as she can away from him. He is going to belittle her, lie about her and to her, then tell her it's all okay.

Okay rant over. I need to thank all of those people who listened to me talk about this for the last month or so. I beat my head against the wall for a long time about it. I have officially put it away. I'm not going to worry about it anymore.

Moment Over.


  1. That is sad. Hopefully he will treat her well, and if not, hopefully she will see it before it goes on very long.
