Our Journey...

Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Saturday, September 25, 2010

The Induction!

For those of you who weren't there or aren't family.  I was honored to attend my uncle, Doug Pehrson's induction into the Skyview High School Athletics Hall of Fame. 

Doug went to Skyview from 1967-1970.  He was a starter on the varsity Football and Basketball teams his Sophomore, Junior, and Senior year. He was All State, All Region, and All American in football as a Full Back.  All State, All Region, and Honorable Mention All American in basketball.  He also ran in track and was region Champion in the high hurdles his senior year.  He received a full ride scholarship to Utah State University. He was inducted along with his football coach Earl Lindley.

I may only be his niece, but my family and I are so proud of him.  What a great guy!

My Uncle Doug and Aunt Luie!

PhotobucketDoug and his coach.  He looks so proud to have played for him

His awesome award.  Congrats! You deserve it!

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