Our Journey...

Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Monday, September 20, 2010

What is that buzzing!?

I was outside today getting some pictures of Houston's mother's flowers.  As I stood there I could hear this really loud buzzing sound.  I looked around me and didn't see a single bee... I continued taking pictures and the sounds never went away.  I finally figured out it was coming from a tree on the edge of the front yard.  There is a vine the climbs the tree that has these little yellow buds on it. Apparently all the bees in the county like it!  There were sooo many on it!!!  Here are some pictures of the flowers and this crazy Bee Tree!

This is a flower that grows on the side of the garage.  Look at that cute bee!

I guess there are more than just bees out today!  Wasps are present as well!

I have always liked these flowers. I have no idea what they are...  

 These are Dahlias.  They are awesome flowers!

These flowers have CRAZY petals!

I love this color!  Reminds me of Goldenrod!

What a nice color!

This is the crazy Bee Tree!  There are bees ALL OVER IT!

Here is a picture of the bees.  Only a very small glimps to how many there are!  If only I could add sound to these pictures!  It was crazy!


  1. Michelle I am so excited that you have a blog!! I love the pictures that you took too. YAY!

  2. Hey thanks! I will hopefully put it to good use. I don't have anything life changing to report yet, but when that time comes, I'll be prepared. ;)
