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Thursday, December 9, 2010

A few New Years Resolutions... Starting NOW!

This year I have tried quite a few things that I never have before.  Such as:  made my first Cherry Pie,  finished my first quilt, and became a crazy crafter.

As for the new year.  I have two goals, as of right now, that I have begun already.  It's impossible to accomplish either in a year, but I'm starting them.... now.  Ha ha!  First off, you need some background on my thought process in attempting these goals.  I have really enjoyed learning the new things I have this year and I plan to continue doing those things too. But I needed to start something that wont take me such a short time to learn.  Once you know how to do something, it's just doing it after that.  So.... My goals...

First off....
Yeah, totally nuts right..?  I'm not in school so I can't just choose any language.  I have a wonderful friend, Jessica Smith, who went on her mission to Japan.  She offered to teach me awhile ago and I was not so sure I could ever figure it out.  She said it's a beast to learn.  I feel that if I really practice and take it seriously, it would be a BIG accomplishment to learn a new language, and who better to learn from than a friend that's crazy good at it.  The other reason I decided to attempt this is that as of late I have been hearing Japanese about everyday.  Houston has been watching a Japanese cartoon (anime) for a long time and he said I could give it a watch... Well... I really liked it. :)  I'll give you taste with this video of one of my favortie characters....


Yeah,  I'm a SUPER DORK, but I take that title gladly. :)

There's my first goal.

Second Goal
I'm not taking a class or anything, which probably a dumb idea, but we have a video of some pretty serious yoga.  The reason I want to start this up is because I really want to get fit and let me tell you, from the very small amount of time I've spent doing it.  It does the job very well. Ha ha!  I want to be more flexible as well and it has that covered too.  I think the most important is that my joints really start to hurt if I do weight lifting or running, this is easy on the joints.  So, in a nut shell, it completes the TRIFECTA!  I'm planning on doing it three times a week.  I can't do the whole video (it's WAY too intense) so I just do as much as I can.   Hopefully I will be able to do most of the video by this time next year. Not only that, do it well. The pose above isn't as easy as she makes it look.  Not for me anyway.

I don't plan on those being my only two goals for next year, but it's a start.

Anyone else know some of their own New Years resolutions for next year..?


  1. Holy smokes, those are some serious goals! Good luck! You are the determined type, I'm confident you will do great.

  2. Thanks Darcy! It makes them even more of a goal when I tell others about them. That way I'm more determined to succeed. So far the Japanese isn't super difficult. Granted, I'm only learning to read, write, and pronounce one of the 3 alphabets called Hiragana. I'm sure it will get super crazy here pretty quick. Ha ha!

  3. Yay for YOGA!!!!
    i'll totally come and do that video with you!
    and i am rooting for you on this goal too.
