Our Journey...

Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

My First Nativity Scene!

Christmas is finally complete.  My dear friend Erin asked me what I wanted for Christmas and I told her a Nativity scene.  We looked in quite a few places and they all seemed very expensive... I was about to change my mind, but she wanted to go look in Deseret Book, so I gave it one more shot. 

They had quite a few different ones.  Some really pricey and others in a rang I could actually look at without feeling like a huge jerk.  I didn't want to Erin to buy me a super expensive one.  Lucky for me, one of the cheaper ones was perfect!
I present to you, the Celtic Nativity!
This nativity is a replica of the stone figures that monks used to tell bible stories with. (the story about it is on the inner side of lid) So my first Nativity is like some of the first ever used to tell of Christ's Birth.  Go figure!  I LOVE IT!  If anyone knows me, this wont seem too far fetched for me.  I seemed to like things that aren't quite the norm.  I showed the baby Jesus to my little niece Phynix, and asked her if she knew who it was...  All she could say is that she thought it was creepy. LOL! After a good laugh I explained who they all were.  Without a second thought she started trying to set it up on the arm of the couch, like my parent's Nativity on the table right near by.  I guess, to her, Mary is supposed to stand on baby Jesus.  Ha ha!  So I explained the basic set up of the nativity to her.  After it was all set up, she then put them back in the box.  I think she thought the pieces were supposed to click in so she started to push them down hard in the box.  (Can you tell, there was a lot  of explaining in this adventure) 

I'm so happy to have one now.  Everyone needs a reminder sometimes of what this season is really supposed to be about.  It's interesting to see how different parts of the world view it.  They all look so different.  Thank you Erin for getting this one for me.


  1. That's Awesome, I love nativities, and I think that the fact that it is similar to some of the first nativities is really cool. It'll be a fun story/tradition for you guys.

  2. Yeah, I hope so. I think they are pretty cool. Houston wasn't quite as impressed as I was with this one, but that's okay. It was for me anyway. Ha ha! I think it takes a certain kind of person to like the odd ones.
