Our Journey...

Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Monday, February 21, 2011

Going from Night to Day!

The shoes I bought, I was very happy with. But like I said in that post, I wished I could have got some shoes that weren't black.  I got this huge itch for summer yesterday, which is REALLY weird.  Normally summer is not a season I look forward to.  So this post is sorta perfect for it.

I was unable to find shoes in other colors, but I had a huge break through and found an actual purse (I have never had an actual purse) that is my favorite color of yellow and I really like it. Double plus!  Ha ha!  I have been looking for a long time for a purse that I like... And have never found one.  I'm the picky sort I guess.  I like animal textures as well, but I was a bit hesitant to get a purse that was full blown Alligator or whatever.  So, another plus, this purse is snake skin textured, but I didn't have to go skin 12 snakes to make it. It's made of genuine leather not real snakes. Ha ha!
Another weird plus is that this purse is hand made. The husband and wife team who made it only made 2 like it.  It will be a pretty huge miracle if I see the person who owns the other. Ha ha! I bought it on a site called Etsy.com.  It wasn't ridiculously expensive either!  When I bought it I found out that it has to be shipped from Morocco.  So that's a slight downer.  I have to wait for about 5 or 6 days before I can actually use it and the shipping was a bit more. 
Anyway, I'm pretty excited about it.  It seems to shock people that I like yellow.  You just never know with me. Hahahahaha!  I'm pretty weird I guess.


  1. That's awesome. I love getting packages in the mail, and etsy has some of the coolest stuff! That's where I got the idea for the trees in Kambri's room.

  2. I saw that they have those wall decals there. I love those! I just bought one of those purse hooks too. I had never seen one until I saw yours. So cool!
