Our Journey...

Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Monday, February 28, 2011

Halloween, how I love thee

Completely wrong time of year to be thinking about Halloween.... for most.  I think about Halloween several times during the year , if not most of it.  This is such a great holiday!  Houston is not nuts like me.  He thinks about holidays within their respective month.  Ha ha!  Maybe I should take a page from his book.  For now, I will stick to my completely nutty way and think of this holiday during random times of the year.

Since the bug has struck me now, I figured I would give you some reasons I like Halloween.  So here we go!

First off... Totally crazy food.  Whoever used this one is a genius!

Crows... Maybe I'm weird, but I love crows.
Zombies!  Lucky for me that I found this shot.  Most photos of zombies, aren't exactly G rated.
Fog.  Maybe it's because it automatically makes you wonder what's out there...
 Werewolves... I have no idea why, I just do.  I like Vampires too, but after Twilight I have to say that it WAS NOT because of those movies that I like them.  It was WAY before that, that I liked either of these classic monsters!  I never saw Twilight and never plan to.  Sorry to say that Twilight alone has served a major blow to these two classic creatures.

The Headless Horseman.  I have always loved Washington Irving's classic story.
Who can get through that part of the year without watching "The Great Pumpkin"!?
Now just horror movies in general...  This is from one of my favorites.  It's French made.  It's called THEM.  I love all sorts of horror and I don't only watch it during the month of October, but the Halloween vibe everywhere sure makes me more keen to watch them regularly.
Trick or Treating!  I don't do this anymore. (I think people would be a little bit weirded out by it)  But I still love to see little kids all dressed up and their favorite super hero, classic monster, fairy princess, or whatever else tickles their fancy.
Last and my most favorite.... The smell of burning pumpkins.  I love it!  Jack-o-lanterns in general.  I at least carve one every year.  If I could and had enough time I would carve a bunch.  If only to smell that burning smell.  None of this fake candle crap for me.  It's got to be the real deal! 

I know there are other things that I love about this holiday, but for the life of me I can't think of them right now.  I also love costumes.  I couldn't find a good picture to post so I will just say it.  That's what sparked my interest in the holiday yesterday.  I think I know what I'm going to be.  I really like this idea and hope that I don't change my mind.  I wont tell you yet.  You'll just have to wait and see when October finally rolls around.  But until then, here are a few of my favorite Halloween(ish) short films.  One that I couldn't get in one video is Disney's Legend of Sleepy Hollow.  Just know that I like that one too.  Enjoy!

This first one is a stop motion short by Tim Burton about the unforgettable Vincent Price...

This next one is a cartoon short called "Season's Greetings"  by Michael Doughtery

Thanks for taking this random journey.  Now you wont be alarmed if you see me smelling Jack-o-lanterns. ;)


  1. I'm a Halloween nut too, but I'm sure that I' not quite as obsessed as you. haha. Bret and I had our fist date on Halloween and got engaged a year later on Halloween, so it's a good day. :)

  2. Troy and Scheli got engaged at a haunted house and married on Halloween of the same year. Ha ha! I just really like the holiday! I was not lying about the burning pumpkin thing. It's really weird, but it's one of the best smells. At least to me. So yes, I would say that I'm slightly obsessed... Just slightly. ;) But my fiend Brynn is cut from the same cloth. She has been thinking about Halloween too.

  3. I think each holiday should be celebrated within its respective month as well (Christmas is such a bully to Thanksgiving!), but I must admit that Halloween is something I start celebrating the very first day of October. :D

    I can't help myself, I think it's my favorite of all the holidays. My decorations go up, my costume ideas are out in full force, and my festive contacts are worn all month long.

    Love it!

  4. I am slightly ashamed because I believe that each holiday should have it's due as well... but there is no hurt in thinking about them early. Ha ha! We are coming up to the poor holiday that I don't know how you decorate for without it looking really stupid. St. Patrick's Day. I love green, so you would think this would be easy... Not so much.

  5. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We are SOOO friends for a reason. Really. Like soul-friends (yes, that is a new term. i just invented it). I am so glad to have you as a friend!!

  6. Me too Brynn! We have the strangest things in common and that's what makes our friendship so freaking cool!
