Our Journey...

Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Valentine's Day.... Not just for lovers.

 Valentine's Day...

  Maybe it's because I am no longer single and I can look back and see that Valentine's Day is not just for the sappy lovers, but it really isn't.  I was thinking how blessed I was to have Houston as my husband and realized that it's not only him that Valentine's Day is for. It's for everyone you love.  Family, Friends, neighbors, your dog or cat, whoever you want.  In thinking this I came to the conclusion that it's a bit irritating that some people think Valentine's Day is the worst holiday. I don't at all!  I even went and visited my dog so she had some love too.  So I hope everyone's Valentine's Day was wonderful, not matter who you spent it with. 

As for my actual Valentine's Day.  I didn't get flowers.  Houston wants to get them for me but he didn't want to get them ON Valentine's Day because it's sort of a give in to get them.  He wants it to be a surprise.  He even asked if I would be mad that I didn't get them ON Valentine's Day.  Ha ha!  Nope, I wasn't.  It will be interesting to see when and where I get them...  So much more fun!  He was the best and got me new earbud headphones to use at work.  I'm very excited about that.  As for his gift.... I kinda can't tell.  It's too hard to explain and I'm sure you wouldn't want to hear it anyway. But I did hand write him a letter.  It took forever because I wanted it handwritten, but I think my handwriting is horrible.  I actually rewrote it about 3 times.

For dinner we went to Tepanyaki Japanese Steakhouse.  I had never been there before.  It's was Awesome!  We got 3 of our friends and their wives, or dates, so we would have a full table.  Now for my embarrassing moment... I totally just about biffed it outside the restaurant in one of the new pairs of heels I bought.  The exact pair were the pumps.  Yeah... it was totally awesome. Anyway, when our group got there and we were seated, we ordered and waited for our chief (or whatever you want to call them)  It was so awesome!  This guy was so talented. 
 (the above is a stock photo, not while we were there.  It's exactly the same though)
He did this cool egg routine to make the ham fried rice that I ordered. He made it all in front of us.  He also made this onion volcano.  He stacked the onions on top of each other and filled the inside with a flammable liquid and lit it.  It was crazy.  The whole dinner was so much fun.  Towards the end of the cooking he threw shrimp to us that your supposed to catch in your mouth.  I was so scared I was going to get slapped in the face with a shrimp.  He didn't give you any time to think about it.  When you open your mouth a shrimp is already flying at you.  I caught mine miraculously.  Houston got 2 tries and caught both. The chief was so impressed that he gave Houston a high five. Ha ha! Totally worth going back again!

That was our Valentine's Day.  It was wonderful!  I'm glad I could share it with Houston.  He is the best.  I'm so blessed to be with him.  It think the song below  a good way to express myself without you having to read a novel about how I feel about him.  (forgive the "bride" line and Juno movie poster.  You get the jest)

1 comment:

  1. I completely agree with you! I am so glad that someone else out there gets it! Yay! :)

    For those who say that Valentine's Day sucks because they think people should be lovey and expressive all year long and not just on February 14, well, that is all well and true; However, the same can be said for Christmas. I happen to be glad that there is an official holiday to celebrate the fact that we are able to love one another, family and friends alike. :) No need to be pessimistic just because you're single, take advantage of the holiday! lol
