Our Journey...

Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Two posts in one day but.... I have updates!

So, I wasn't sure who was going to be my partner in crime with Primary.  Well... now I know.  Guess who it is...

Hint: It's my favorite person!

That's right!  It's HOUSTON!
Also, they are doing a temple prep class for the next six weeks.  So we will be doing that first, and then it's digging in with Primary.

It feels pretty good to get things back on track!


  1. Yay, I'm very excited for you. Temple prep! And the primary is such the best place to be. I love it!

  2. I love the picture! Yay for partners in Primary. Now, don't just let him be the crowd control guy, make him teach every once in a while! Hope you like the Temple prep class! Good for you!

  3. You guys will be such fun teachers! The kids will love you. I am excited that you guys are taking the temple class. The temple is a really special place!
