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Friday, April 29, 2011

The Royal Wedding

Yes, I woke up at 3:45 AM to watch The Royal Wedding.  I had to work today so I thought, at first, that I could just watch it later.  But, I wanted to see it live with the rest of the planet.  I woke up just in time to see the Queen and Prince Philip, as well as Prince Charles and Camilla, come into Westminster Abby for the ceremony.  Then Catherine was picked up from her hotel and driven to the Abby.  Time to get started!  I didn't really care about the hoopla before that.  Can I just say, that I thought her dress was so beautiful.  It makes me laugh that girls these days think there needs to be less dress for it to be beautiful.  Catherine has proved that wrong....
 It was such a nice service.  You could tell they were both a bit nervous, but who wouldn't be when you have 2/3's of the world watching you.  Ha ha!  Probably the best moment was when William finally got to see her when she reached him at the alter.  He leaned over and whispered, "You look so beautiful"  (yeah, I'm a sap, I know)
 I wasn't a huge fan of what William was wearing, but then I was told that he is wearing his military uniform to show support of the British troops, so all is forgiven. ;)  I think I still like Harry's uniform better.  Maybe it's because I have always loved black.
Even Catherine's sister Pippa looked really nice.  Normally I would think it weird for a bridesmaid to wear white, but trust me, you don't have to guess who the bride is at this occasion.
Once the ceremony was over they were taken to Buckingham Palace by a horse drown carriage... Seriously, who doesn't want that to happen!?
And to end the live coverage, that I was able to see,  They came out onto the balcony of Buckingham Palace and kissed.  Not once, but twice!  Charles and Diana were the first to kiss there.  William and Catherine's kisses were both very short, which I thought was nice.  I don't know how much I would want to whole world watching me make out with my spouse.
Now for the one downfall of the whole affair...
Where in the world did she get that thing!?  This is William's cousin Beatrice.  She happen to be sitting right behind Queen Elizabeth II through the whole ceremony.  So, every time the camera showed the Queen, THIS is what you saw, right behind her.  I hope she wasn't in any of the wedding photo's. Had I been the bride, I would have made her take it off. My question is... At what point did she decide this hat was a good idea for anything but.... maybe a Halloween costume... not really even that.

Besides "Crazy hat cousin"  it was so much fun to watch.  I may not be British, as of the last 6 or 7 generations on my Hatch side anyway, but it was nice to see something happy on TV for once. Congrats to William and Catherine, as well as all who live under the Union Jack.

1 comment:

  1. That hat is hilarious! The first time I saw it was a picture of her in the car after the wedding. I thought maybe it was a pair of snakes? I just kept wondering why she would want to wear a serpent hat? Not that the bow is any better. haha!
