Our Journey...

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Monday, April 18, 2011

The New Primary Adventures, Chapter 1

Houston and I have been living with his parent's for almost a year now.  Houston's records never left his home ward, but mine needed to be sent here.  When they made it here we got our meeting with the bishop and he asked if there were any callings we would be willing to accept if asked.  I automatically said primary.  I taught once before and LOVED it, so why not give it another go.

It didn't take long for me to get called to my desired place and lucky me I was asked to be the junior primary again!  I taught the 4/5 year olds the first time I taught.  This time it's the 6/7.  Yesterday was my first time teaching.  I was a bit nervous, but Houston came with me for moral support.  I don't have a partner yet so he filled that space too.  My class consists of 5 boys and 1 girl.  The lesson was on The Word of Wisdom.

That's a weird lesson to teach kids that young because most don't really know about cigarettes, coffee, and such, but you're still supposed to talk about it.  So instead of just assuming anything, I straight up ask them if they knew what these things were.  This is what was said to what wine was....

Sam (6): "Wine makes you crazy!"
Me: "LOL!  That's a good way to put it."

and here's how the tobacco question went...

Me: "Does anyone know what tobacco is?"
Silence... Silence....
Taylor (6):  "Isn't that what you put on taco's?"
Houston and I:  "Hahahahahaha!!"
Me: "No, that's Tabasco, but close."

If my class is like this every week, I will be happy.  I love what little kids have to say.  Such  valiant efforts by Sam and Taylor.  That's my first adventure with class.  I don't teach for 2 weeks, but if anything like this happens again, it will be gracing this blog.  LOL!  I love little kids!  Note:  My next lesson is Showing Faith by Being Obedient.  We'll see how it goes. ;)


  1. Gotta love Primary! I bet you are a fun teacher.

  2. That is so funny. I need to have an attitude more like yours. I have the 11 yr olds right now. They are soooo bored and ready to move on to ym/yw. But when they actually listen I like teaching. I had the 5 yr olds for the past two years. They were fun... only just a little exhausting, haha.

  3. I was so scared I was going to get the older ones. >< I like the little one. They have such a simple way of looking at things and I think as adults we try to make things too complex. So, I learn a lot from them too.

  4. Way to go! I love teaching the little kids too. They say the funniest things and they are so sincere about it. You will be so good! Teaching obidence should be much easier.

  5. I hope so. I have been thinking about the lesson a lot since Sunday to make sure the lesson is fun and they will get something out of it. I'm excited though!
