Our Journey...

Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Halloween Party!

It's taken me forever but here is our Halloween.  Every year, Brynn throws an awesome Halloween party.  This year was no exception. I always have fun there!  Here are some photos of the event...

Houston and I as a scarecrow and a farmer

The makeup was a challenge, but it was good enough.  I mean really, how "good" can you do a scarecrow...?

Erin as a matador, Brynn as a fortune teller, and that weirdo in the back. ;)

Last year there was the infamous photo of me hanging myself.  This year Erin took the honors.

Rebekah came as Lois Lane and her Husband as Superm... Clark Kent.

A lot of people said later that Houston looked like the Brawny Paper Towel guy.

Justin came as a "Creep"  Him and Houston did not want to play charades, but once we got them up to do it, they were really good at it. (Minus Justin's slight verbal hints) Lol!

Had to post it!  My face looks creepy!

Brynn is AWESOME at Charades!

Melissa came as a nerd.  She is by far my favorite nerd! ;)

I already have thoughts for next years costume. I can't believe I actually kept the same idea all last year!  I don't know if that will happen this next year.  I have too many ideas in my mind at the moment.   Thanks Brynn for making Halloween so much fun every year.  You always go above and beyond!


  1. So fun! I love all your costumes! Your scarecrow make up is great, and I love Melissa's nerd costume, haha.

  2. i'm pro only because i practice by myself. three hours a day.

    or only several times each year. :)

  3. Lol! Practice make perfect! There ain't nothin' wrong with that. ;)
