Our Journey...

Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

End of Crafters Block

I crafted and crafted and crafted pretty much all summer up until about the end of September.  Then it just died.  I couldn't think of anything I wanted to make.  Then for my Birthday, Troy and Scheli got me a gift card to Hobby Lobby.  Usually I have something in mind that I would use it for.  Not this time.  Then the next night my visiting teachers gave me one too. :/   I was stressing at that point.  I thought and thought and thought...  Finally I remembered that awesome site Pinterest.com!  I have a bunch of crafts and ideas on my page there.  Yesterday I took a look and found a few options.  Then I went into the store... Ah yeah.... 

Here is my project.  Of course it's Christmas related.

It's an Ornament Ball beautifully placed in a vase.  The first picture is inspiration photo.

Love the ball.  Hate the vases...  Good thing when you make things yourself, you can change as much as you want. :D

Most of the pieces... Can you tell it's a gold theme... That's not totally obvious or anything. ;)

Take a Styrofoam ball and push the ornaments with hot glue into it.  
(Remove the hanger on the ornament)

Weapon of Choice!

And the finished product.  There will be an identical twin.  I just got too excited to get it finished before I posted this. 

This has regular ornaments and small ones too.  I also bought the vases a Hobby Lobby too.  All the leaves and glitters pieces were cut apart from floral swags.  This is an awesome craft because it can be exactly how you want it to look.  I'm pretty surprised that I chose to stay with gold because usually I try to stay away from making too much like the original inspiration.  I'm slightly obsessed with gold right now so... yeah.  LOL!  I LOVE the vases.  I spent about an hour and a half in the store.  Most of that time was finding the perfect vase.  I found this one with a twin first and carried it around in my cart while I looked at other options.  If I can give anyone a bit of advice on crafting....


At least I always do that. ;)  I love this project.  I'll have the other done soon.  ;)

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