Our Journey...

Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Christmas Decor of 2011

I don't have many new additions to my collection this year, but here are the few things I did add. The best part!  We actually have a Christmas Tree!  My mom has told me about a tree they had in the shed for the last 2 years and I always thought it would be too big for our space.  This year I gave in because I didn't want to find another make shift option.  Lucky for me, the tree fits perfectly!  It's not the prettiest tree but it looks pretty good with some time and fixing. 

Another plus is that it's pre-lit so I didn't have to mess around with lights.  We had just enough ornaments to get the job done.  I'm proud of our little tree. :)

I decided I want to start collecting nativity scenes.  My friend got our first one from us last year...

This one is a Celtic Nativity

Since we didn't get one the first year we were married, I decided I could get two this year to makeup for it. ;)  Ha ha!  I've found that the best place to go for nativities is Deseret Book.  They always have a huge selection, and they are all very interesting.  Here are the two I bought this year...

This one is called the Mandir Nativity.  It's from Bangladesh.  Very interesting, I love it!

These first two are a bit on the unique side and I wanted one that you had no problem telling what it's supposed to be.  So I got this one.  Still interesting, but very obvious. 

I love the designs in it.  So pretty!

That's pretty much it for the new stuff this year.  The ornament balls are new too, but I figure since they were in my last post I can get away with not posting them again.  I'm so happy we have an actual tree this year!  I can't wait to get my own house and buy a big fat nice one!  But for now, this one is perfect! I'll probably keep it around for future use as a second tree.

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