Our Journey...

Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Thursday, December 29, 2011

Heading Into Spring... :)

One of the things I'm most grateful for is the great people that I'm so lucky to have around me.  Family... friends.  All of you really do influence me and make me a better person.  I would like to tell you of a seed that was planted by my dear friend Brynn.

The jar from the post right before this...  The XL Brandy glass.  After I bought it and made my super easy craft, I was talking with Brynn when she suggested changing the contents each season.  BRILLIANT!  Talk about the gears turning!  I think mine about came flying out of my head!  Thank you Brynn!  As I contemplated what I could do for each season, I found that summer was my easiest season to figure out.  I haven't thought about  Fall yet, but spring...  The hard one.  :/  I'm strange.  I don't really like pastel colors.  Mix that with baby chicks and even bright flowers..  Yeah, I was having a hard time with that.  I had no idea what I was going to do.  I looked around online to get some inspiration. I found some things that I liked but didn't love.  Hmm...  Sometimes crafting is very hard for me.

In one of my recent trips into Hobby Lobby (imagine that..) I found the perfect wooden rabbit.  I have very high expectation on what rabbits should look like.  I prefer them to look more like a Hare than a fat little bunny rabbit.  Lets say, I like them gangly.  So I will call him, my Hare instead. He may even have a name, soon enough.  Ha ha!  Anyway,  I wanted to do something with him in this jar adventure.  Then I got thinking about the rule of odds in decorating.  I needed at least 2 more containers.  So... I found some.  The brandy glass couldn't hold my Hare so of course he needed one.

Now the weird part. I had to think about how I wanted portray the seasons and I got thinking about The Nightmare Before Christmas..  Yeah totally random. In that movie Jack Skellington  stumble upon "Christmas Town"  When he returns to Halloween Town he is trying to figure out what makes Christmas what it is.  He proceeds to conduct a series of experiments to explain this Christmas thing logically to himself.    So, with that being said, I decided to fill these jars in sort of the same fashion.  I picked all the things I love about Spring.  So it's a sort of Science Experiment display.  The contents are displayed as if I was studying them.

Now, the sad part.  I have three jars.  Two are filled, but I can't think of what I want to put in the last one...  Hmm...  So I'll show you all the containers, even the empty one.

XL Brandy Glass.  I love streams and water. What lives there... Frogs.  The frog had to look somewhat real.  This is what I found. Complete!

The glass dome.  Home for my Hare, who's name I've decided is Atlas the Hare.  Complete with a fern backdrop. What would a Hare look like if he wasn't hiding in the greenery..?

And... the empty one. I can't, for the life of me figure out what to put in it.  I really need to think about it.  It was supposed to be the home of the frog, but he ended up being too tall.  Something small and simple I think...

I usually get all my epiphanies right before I go to bed.  The frog jar came to me last night.  I'm hoping this last jar's contents will come to me soon.

1 comment:

  1. haha i'm glad i got your gears turning! you are so amazing at decorating!

    you should find some sweet looking eggs - like robins eggs or something to stick in the last one... that's what I would do!
