Our Journey...

Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Sunday, January 1, 2012


I was very excited about Christmas this year.  Mostly because I have a job and can buy some cool gifts.  The one gift I was excited for was Houston's big present.  He goes Grouse hunting with his friend Justin and he has been talking about getting a .410 shotgun for awhile.  Well.... I did.  :)  I stood in Cabela's for about 2 hours getting this thing purchased.  That was about a month ago.  I was so proud of myself that I didn't give it away early.   Not only was it a .410, it can be converted into a .22 rifle as well. 

Anyway, here some pictures...

Houston loves Legos.  So of course he got some. :) He couldn't wait, he had to put it together right away.

Houston is so awesome.  I told him that I wanted Dior's J'Adore perfume.  Yeah... he got it for me.  IT even  came with a fun bag!

I've wanted to get Ticket to Ride for awhile.  When I saw this Nordic Countries version I just had to get it.

We have been talking about getting a dutch oven to do roasts in for a long time too.  I got one!  You can't tell but it's a really cool blue color!

Movie's... of course we got some!  Notice.. They are all kids movies.  I didn't do that on purpose, really! 

And here's the gun!  I was so excited!  I think he was too.  It's a youth model (which I didn't know) :/  But he still liked it just the same.

Anyway, there were other little random things but in a nut shell, that was our Christmas. 

1 comment:

  1. Very nice job! I love finding that perfect present and not giving it away.....so fun!!
