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Thursday, February 23, 2012

Book Review: Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close

The book I have doesn't look like this but it has another book from the same author within it, and I wanted to make a review for each book separately.  I would love a copy of this book with this cover though.  Quite nice.  I hate buying books with movie covers on them.  I will will only do it if I have no other option. 

This is another book club book.  I went into this one thinking... "should I?"  Then I'm always pleasantly surprised.  I have reached a point where I can actually buy books of authors, I didn't know before, without being totally worried about if it will be good or not.

This may sound weird but I have this inner affection for anything that has to do with September 11th.  I know I'm not the only one that remembers exactly where they were when they found out about it.

This book is a fictional story about a boy named Oskar who is grieving after the loss of his father who died in the World Trade Center on 9/11.   He finds a mysterious key in his father's closet and believes it opens something his father wanted him to find.  The book is written primarily from his point of view as a 9 year old.  It's a very cool way to read, because it really feels like a 9 year old boy is writing it.

This is not exactly a happy book.  It's heart breaking to watch this boy struggle to gain closer.  He is atheist, which breaks my heart even more.  He is trying to find a scientific reason to why his father died and how he died.  The one happy thing about the book is that in the process of trying shut himself off from the world in his quest to find answers, he actually opens himself up to many.  Manly and lastly his mother.   It's one of those books that I felt like you don't completely understand and needs to be discussed with others.  I'm glad it will be apart of a book club to see what others thought of it.

It's a beautiful book.  Very worth reading.  It's a fictional account of a few people effected by something that has effected all of us, personally or impersonally.   It makes me cry even thinking about all those people who died.  But as a person who does believe in Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ, I can know that all those people are okay.  They weren't left alone during their last moments.  What a comforting feeling.  I wish that Oskar could've had that.

Anyway, great book.  Give it a read sometime.  :)  And no, I haven't seen the movie of it.

P.S.  I bought the book with this cover.  I'm a bit peeved I didn't see it the first time.  That's okay, I will have it shortly.  

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