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Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Book Review: Water For Elephants

My niece Shelby bought this book when they were down right after Christmas.  I didn't even think about reading it until she said that she had heard it was a fabulous book.  So.... I bought it, and read it. :P

The book is about a man named Jacob Jankowski.  His life turns upside down when his parents die suddenly.  In the wake of his anger he leaves school right before he is about to get his veterinarian degree, just starts walking, jumps a train, and comes to find out he is hitching a ride with Benzini Brother Most Spectacular Show on Earth.  He becomes the shows resident Vet.  There he meet Marlena, the wife of the animal director. She performs with the horses and later an elephant names Rosie.  There grows a bond between Jacob, Marlena, and Rosie that could lead to certain disaster, but they all feel that it might just be worth the risk. 

I was unsure about this book at first.  It always felt like it could go very badly for all the people your cheering for.  I felt like there was no light at the end of the tunnel.  That's the joy of reading though, the farther you get the more everything falls into place and ends up the way it should.  I enjoyed it a lot. It's an easy read and not very long.  Just under 350 pages. 

I've been very lucky in the books I've read this year.  None of them have been bad, and I've never felt like I was trudging through them.  My library of books is getting bigger and bigger.  Lol!  We will definitely have to invest in, at least, a book case when we move into our own place.  Our little living space has books stacked up everywhere. 

1 comment:

  1. I haven't read the book, but I watched the movie and LOVED it! I'm sure the book is even better, they always are. :)
